inE-commerce salesA lotincreaseAnd in an era of increasingly fierce online competition, one-time sales are simply not enough.

Actually, did you knowAttracting new customersCost is better than making existingclientHigh cost of satisfaction5-10 times? It makes sense to put in more effort to retain one-time seasonal shoppers so that they can become lifetime customers.

However, catering to today's consumers needs to understand their personal needs, needs and circumstances. Ultimately, the greater your influence on their experience, the greater their influence on your profits.

Therefore, to turn seasonal shoppers into lifelong customers, use one of the following 10 strategies to build loyalty and increase sales.

1. Cultivate relationships through chat marketing

Learn how to useChat marketingIt is essential to establish a closer connection with one-time seasonal shoppers. This refers to the use of email, Messenger and SMS to improve communication with shoppers on the go.

Although this may seem daunting, e-commerce marketers must developchannelSkills to build relationships with one-time shoppers. Remember, better relationships will help keep customers around, which in turn encourages them to become lifelong customers.

according toInvesp's investigation, The companies that adopt the omni-channel customer engagement strategy retain 89% of their customers on average, compared with only 33% of the companies that adopt the omni-channel strategy. But how do you interact with these new customers?

Consider sending the following types of content:

  • Educational:This content includes blog posts, webinars or videos that can help customers solve purchase-related issues. What can you send to help customers master your product, and then come back for more. For example, if you sell fitness clothing, you can start a podcast that includes fitness influencers and coaches and provides exercise tips and routines.
  • Entertainment:This type of content includes funny videos, memes or funny stories that can keep customers interacting with your company.
  • culture:If your brand has a strong following and it resonates with messagers, you can connect with one-time shoppers by discussing relevant topics with them in Messenger or email.
  • special promotion:Customers may be reluctant to hand over their contact information to your company. To encourage them, you can occasionally send discounts and deals to customers who subscribe to your list.

When you use chat marketing to connect with seasonal shoppers, you can connect with them to build long-term relationships. Tools such as ManyChat enable you to easily manage conversations across SMS, Facebook Messenger and email in one place. Give you the opportunity to increase sales for the store.

2. Exceed customer expectations

Online chat

Live chat opens up a direct communication channel between website visitors and your company. Shoppers can have a conversation with you in the store’s chat window instead of talking to others on the phone or writing emails.

Live chat bridges the gap between the in-store experience and online shopping. For example, you can engage in conversations, offer help, and meet people on the other side, thereby creating positive experiences that promote long-term relationships.

For example, you can use live chat to help shoppers find better products to meet their needs.

SMS conversation in live chat

With ManyChat, you can use Messenger orSMS Live ChatOpen the conversation. Live Chat went a lotConversion rate optimization, Can promote sales, establishBrand EquityAnd help collect information about customers and potential customers, so as to provide them with a more personalized experience.


If you want to turn one-time shoppers into long-term customers, ask yourself how to personalize their experience from the first touch point. When you tailor the experience for your favorite customers, you can make shoppers satisfied with your brand and more likely to return to your website.

I’m Guillem, Key Account Manager of CRISP Studio, a leading Shopify and Shopify Plus solution provider in Spain and Europe.

Leading Shopify and Shopify Plus solution provider in EuropeCRISP Studio, On-site personalization and Facebook ad targeting are key strategies they use to turn seasonal shoppers into permanent customers. The studio’s key account manager Guillem Hernandez explained: “On-site personalization is no longer something you can’t ignore. Customers add it to the shopping cart or browse in the store. ’S products give you an idea of their preferences."

"By personalizing shopping recommendations for related products; Guillem added that online merchants can show them to shoppers even if they visit them infrequently. This strategy ultimately shows results such as increased customer loyalty and more repeat customers.

To improve on-site personalization, please checkProducts like LimeSpot Personalizer.

Personalized tools

These applications use AI to match product attributes with shopper behavior and global trends to suggest the best products to encourage sales. You canShopify App StoreFind it for free, and the app also integrates with WooCommerce and BigCommerce.

Cross-selling complementary products

Reduce customer churn(Especially for seasonal shoppers), cross-selling is always your best friend. Cross-selling occurs when customers purchase products that supplement their original purchase.

For many e-commerce stores (e.g.Bidinis Bags), Implying that supplementary products have become the best practice for retaining long-term customers. "For us, the most effective way is to segment customers according to the types of products they buy," Bidinis bag owner and designerCaterina BidiniExplains, “This allows us to identify complementary products that we recommend through targeted, personalized emails.”

For example, if a shopper purchases a small coin purse from Bidinis, Caterina will eventually suggest a larger handbag or a leather clutch. The company also provides shoppers with tips for maintaining its products every season, which helps increase sales for seasonal shoppers.

3. Promote customer loyalty programs

Customer loyalty programs are a sure way to ensure that one-time shoppers stay longer. According to Neilsen, there are84% of consumersCompanies that indicate they insist on providing loyalty programs. In this way, 66% of customers claimRewarding will affect their buying behavior.

Customer loyalty programs can make shoppers feel special and help them connect with your brand. Depending on the amount of information you collect, you can send points or rewards for special occasions like birthdays or other life milestones. The more personalization you get, the more likely they are to return to your store and store.

When one-time shoppers browse your website, highlight your loyalty program. You can set the "Mode" widget on the product page or the "Add to Cart" page to capture seasonal shoppers in your store. Offer discounts or some kind of incentives to get people to sign up.

Sign up for the customer loyalty program pop-up

In ManyChat, you can easily create messages, schedules and locations and add them to the store. Then, continue to build relationships with them via Messenger, SMS and email.

4. Send redirect ads

Sometimes, seasonal shoppers may not be persuaded to buy more items from your store. They may stop responding to your promotions or feel indifferent to your list. One way to help them re-enter the ecosystem is to retarget advertising.

Redirect adsThere are several forms, but for Facebook marketing, you can focus on two types:

  1. Sponsorship information:You can send paid messages via ManyChat to everyone who sent messages to your Facebook page via your bot or live chat. This includes people who unsubscribed, but not people who blocked your page.
  2. Facebook dynamic ads:Dynamic ads show each viewer the most relevant products and advertising ideas on Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network or Messenger based on the actions they take on your website or app.

Retargeting ads can help you attract shoppers who already know you. Consider automatically personalizing these ads for each customer. You can take this opportunity to showcase new products to seasonal shoppers and encourage them to return to your store.

Use ManyChat to attract more repeat customers with the automated lead generation process and better customer engagement. It is free to get started.

5. Send regular order discounts

An easy way to get people back to your store is to offer discounts on products they might order again. this isIlluminate LabsPresidentAdopted by Calloway CookA strategy that can turn seasonal shoppers into lifelong customers.

She explained: “I always recommend offering a large discount to customers who order monthly shipments of your products.” Most companies will offer a 40% discount on the first delivery and indefinitely on all subsequent deliveries. A 15% discount will be provided. For customers, this is a considerable savings, so we have seen a huge increase in sales. "

Take online nutrition retailer Dr. Axe as an example. The company offers products at regular prices, but provides shoppers with a "subscribe and save" option with a 15% discount and free shipping.

E-commerce example of subscription order discount

You can sell many products as a subscription, including:

  • Underwear and essentials: Cover everything from underwear to socks, razors and dental care.
  • clothing:Products in this category include shirts, jeans, and shoes.
  • infant products:Such as diapers and toys.
  • food:Such as groceries and supplements.
  • Beauty products:Including skin care, makeup and shampoo.

Subscription services can make customers' lives easier and help build brand loyalty. Since customers receive your products regularly, they may establish contact with them and stay for more than a season.

6. Create a follow-up experience after purchase

To win repeat customers is to ensure that they have a good first experience in your business.

FitSmallBusiness.comRetail analystMeaghan BrophySeveral methods are suggested to increase sales revenue and increase customer lifetime value:

  1. Clear communication after placing the order: After the shopper places an order, they should receive a detailed confirmation email containing the purchased product, including photos and cost details, as well as estimated performance and shipping time, as well as any relevant information about the return or exchange policy.
  2. Simple order tracking:After completing the order, the shopper should receive another notification telling how the order is in progress, the tracking link and the estimated time of arrival.
  3. Feedback after purchase:After customers receive the goods, they send surveys to collect information about their shopping experience and product satisfaction. This step is critical because it will provide you with valuable feedback, and because you don’t want to start marketing to customers with bad experiences.
  4. Well-designed follow-up activities:One of the biggest mistakes business companies make is to include new customers in their regular marketing campaign messages before they even receive the first order. Please take some time to ensure that new shoppers have a positive initial experience before asking them to buy more items.

To learn how to use ManyChat to create post-purchase tracking step by step, please checkHow to create a powerful post-purchase tracking sequence.

7. Expand your product line

One way for e-commerce stores to turn infrequent shoppers into lifelong customers is to adjust their products. Retailers selling clothing or products based on seasons or events can seek alternative uses for their products.

Printing clothing company focusing on holiday clothingiHeartRavesinCOVID-19Had to be inNationwideTransfer after postponing the event. CEO Brian Lim explained how the $30 million retailer has responded to this shift. "We sell fashion products to the participants of the festival," Brian explained. "With the spread of COVID-19, these events have been cancelled or postponed nationwide and even the entire world."

Even without the virus, the company only sells holiday clothing during the warmer months of the year. In order to generate more revenue for the company, Brian said: "First, we shifted our marketing from holiday clothing to other uses of clothing, such as underwear or casual wear."

If your products are sold seasonally, consider other ways that shoppers can use your products throughout the year. You can also add new products to the store to create new products that can be sent to shoppers throughout the year.

8. Create a pleasant unboxing experience

When the customer’s packaging arrives, other resources should be used to package and pack the brand, such as product care instructions, catalogs, or any information that can inform customers of your brand.

For example, a freeze-dried dog food company, Sunday For Dogs. The company includes a newspaper insert called "Sunday Newspaper", which covers the health of the dog, customer stories and other entertainment content.

People are attracted by products and packaging that look good.A 2013 study  It was found that attractive packaging stimulated the reward areas of the brain associated with impulse buying. In short, if you want to have a positive influence on seasonal shoppers’ future buying decisions, consider product presentations.

9. Build a community around your brand

One way to keep seasonal shoppers engaged throughout the year is to build a community around your brand. You can send shoppers the same Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and holiday sales over and over again, but so can other companies.

In saturated vertical industries such as discount retail stores or beauty shops, it is difficult to eliminate noise. However, the community can help attract shoppers and make your brand a top consideration.

Community and collaboration consultant, writer and speakerJonore Bacon(Jono Bacon)Promote the establishment of a community so that those who shop all the year round keep participating throughout the year. He described: "Community is at the intersection of psychology and collaboration. If brands can build a simple, lightweight, and productive community to generate a sense of spirit and belonging, they can keep seasonal shoppers engaged and produce amazing results. ."

Frank Body has built a community in a community around women (or “babies” by the brand) who want to show their natural selves and enjoy beauty products. Frank Body challenged various challenges in the community in a fun and exciting way, encouraging shoppers to be everywhere.

Frank Body Community Challenge Registration Page

In an industry dominated by Internet celebrities and celebrities, this type of community is rare.

The result of their community feeling? Annual salesUp to 20 million US dollars,andStillincrease.

10. Start the "Spin to Win" campaign in the Messenger bot

Spin to win gives visitors in your store a chance to win discounts or prizes by subscribing to your Messenger bot. Using this type of campaign can creatively attract the attention of seasonal shoppers.

Shoppers like to spin to win because it is a simple and attractive way to get a lot of transactions. Every spin can be a winner, whether it's a 5% discount, a 45% discount or a pair of free socks. These campaigns have high conversion rates, are customizable, and you can choose how many discounts to offer.

This is an easy way to conduct continuous "rotation to win" campaigns in ManyChat. You can instantly set it up in ten minutes and continue to improve as more shoppers rotate.

First, create aEmbeddableorOverlayWidgets to promote self-win. You can choose from several different types, including slide-in pop-ups or page takeovers.

After selecting the widget, it's time to build the process.

Create an action block for the "start step" using a custom field that collects the time and date of the rotation. Then write your message to start the steering wheel.

How to create a chance to win in ManyChat Part 1

When someone clicks to spin the wheel, you can send a message with a GIF, which shows a spinning wheel or other interesting or related pictures. Then set aRandomizerTo control the amount of each discount you give away.

How to create a chance to win in ManyChat Part 2

With Randomizer, you can choose up to six different paths to attract shoppers. You can set up Randomizer to get some shoppers lost (and encourage them to come back!) and give low discounts that are more than high discounts.

How to create a chance to win in ManyChat Part 3

In order to keep the spin winning, you can set a 23-hour smart delay to send a message to shoppers to encourage them to spin again.

Customize your spin to win the election to meet your needs. If you want to limit shoppers to spin once a week, you can useOne-time notificationTo tell them when they can spin again. You can also collect email addresses and phone numbers and send rotating reminders accordingly.

Improve your seasonal marketing strategy

When developing marketing strategies and building relationships with seasonal shoppers-be sure to check our relevantE-commerce marketing strategyTip-Shoppers must persuade why they bought the product when browsing the store.

With these techniques, how to make seasonal shoppers easily become lifetime customers, you can make a good first impression on the brand and convince shoppers to stick to it for more than one season.

Use ManyChat to sell more items in your online store. It is free to get started.

