We all have reasons to choose not to be repeat customers. Maybe the cheeseburger came from the middle, or the customer service representative was rude. Maybe you paid for the replacement of windows, and the project took twice as long as the contract promised. It's easy to get bored as a customer. Becoming a customer helps us become a better business owner because we have insight into what may or may happen in the relationship between the business and the customer.

Don't confuse customer satisfaction with customer loyalty. Although they drew Venn diagrams and had a lot of overlap, they were two separate goals.Measure customer satisfactionIt will show whether your customer base is satisfied with your company as a whole. Customer loyalty is a measure of customer loyalty to the business. Therefore, when you integrate things likeMessenger MarketingIn this kind of cultivation strategy, customer satisfaction may increase customer loyalty, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Advantages of loyal customers

If customer satisfaction is a silver medal, then customer loyalty is a gold medal! Satisfying customers is important, but what really improves your business stamina is to make customers loyal. There are many advantages to having a loyal customer base. Those loyal customers will:

Spread their positive experience in your business –The power of positive reviews can be measured. It doesn't matter whether customers use Yelp, social media, or just word of mouth to brag about your company. Active investment will make your business attract new customers.

If it is not exclusive, I will shop with you more frequently – The lifetime value of the customer iswhat? How does loyalty affect it? When loyal customers shop, they will be committed to a brand and/or business with countless positive experiences. This means that when you win the loyalty of your customers, you can enjoy the privileges of their business for a long time.

Have the courage to endure the pain of change or business development –Your customer service department surpassed all these moments of customers all the way to this moment. Loyal customers are more willing to endure growing pain or business changes. They track more positive experiences than negative ones and are willing to grow with you.

Help your company save marketing costs –Loyal customers want to thank you for minimizing your marketing budget. Collecting loyal customers allows you to focus more on customer retention instead of searching for customers. Marketing is always important. With loyalty, you have the flexibility to choose where to invest in marketing.

Can you think that you have become a loyal customer of the company? What prompted you to make the leap and stick to it for a long time?

6 steps to build customer loyalty

In theory, customer loyalty sounds great, but how does your business bridge the gap between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty?

  1. By implementingLoyalty rewardsexcitation-Even on a subconscious level, repeat customers want to know that they are appreciated. Implementing a loyalty program is a great way to convey your appreciation for customers. There are many ways to be creative, such as punch cards, exclusive sales, early bird discounts, loyalty points, etc.

In the ManyChat dashboard, you can use a lot of tools to help you. One of the most prominent features of SMS is the ability to send texts to customers. Since this is an intrusive marketing tool, giving them loyalty rewards or discounts is a good way to maintain their good positions.

SMS settings
  1. Provide customers with the option to donate to charities –The idea of abandoning loyalty reward programs is the idea of allowing customers to donate to charities. Most people like to know that they are changing their communities and the world around them. Providing this information in the shopping experience is a great way to show customers that your business is ethical.
  2. oftenget onsurvey – Frequently seek feedback through customer surveys. This is especially important after major changes have been made across the company. For example, offering new checkout options for your e-commerce business may seem like the obvious next step, but your current customers may indeed struggle to complete a purchase. inWhen dealing with difficult customers,Investigations are also helpful, so you can find the source of the problem. Knowing this information will help you solve problems in creative ways, such as uploading video tutorials on how to easily checkout.

In the ManyChat dashboard, you can choose to build a process based on customer feedback, which is an in-depth understanding of how to improveCustomer experience strategyIdeal way.Just select the "Customer Feedback" process template and customize it for your business!

Customer trust
  1. Consolidate and improve customer service experience –If in doubt, please train. If customer complaints have continued to increase in the past quarter, please take some time to train all customer service representatives. It’s hard to lose business with customers, and it’s even worse to lose loyal customers.

Believe it or not, it doesn't take much. This simply means using a chatbot to assist customers, or a brainstorming approach to support your brand's customer experience.

  1. Avoid genericmarketingTo yourloyal customersYour loyal customers think about your marketing strategy as an investment relationship. Sending them a general email or SMS marketing newsletter will only relay messages that your business does not want to know about them. Choose to use their name or a personalized message of a recent purchase. Emails are processed automatically on the "first anniversary" since the first purchase. This is an extremely creative opportunity!
  2. Observation is powerfulLoyal customer baseOther companies-Know your competitors and take time to appreciate them. Seriously, when it comes to ensuring loyal customers, you need to let go of your pride and balance with your team. You need to present your own ideas and avoid celebrating the genius of other companies.

2 companies that excel in customer loyalty

We have discussed the genius of observing customer loyalty and how their inspirational practices can help our own business. Here are 3 companies that are really worth observing.

Grove Collaboration

GroveIs a company specializing in providing pure natural household cleaning and personal products. They provide their customers with memberships (hello, customer retention), and often get rewards in that membership. Members can first purchase seasonal products to get discounts, get free gifts and get free shipping! Members will also receive personalized emails that suggest products they like based on their recent purchases. Grove also has excellent customer service methods. Each member is assigned a specific customer service representative who will work with them during their membership. This means that there is always only one point of contact for any question or concern!

CESI solution

Technically speaking, non-profitConsumer Education Services, Inc.Is a debt consolidation company. On the surface, their customer loyalty lies in their customers working with them every month to repay debts. CESI has been highly praised by past and current customers. Comments and word of mouth helped CESI's customer loyalty continue to increase. The customer service they provide to members is amazing, without imitating the sense of boring and transactions done by most financial institutions. Email and SMS marketing is personalized. The membership portal provides free financial education opportunities and financial advisors as needed.

Important points

Ensuring your business retains loyal customers is critical to its successful longevity.

  • Efforts to increase customer loyalty are the key to business growth, and this can be achieved by refocusing marketing activities on relationships with existing customers.
  • You can cultivate and support repeat customers in a variety of ways, including providing rewards programs, conducting specific loyalty marketing campaigns, and most importantly, understanding those customers.
  • ManyChat dashboards provide a variety of tools for you to use to help you build relationships and stay in touch with loyal customers.

The idea is simple. Think about the way you can show your customers that they are seen, heard and their opinions are important. Rewards may look like reward programs, special offers, etc.

This does not mean that all problems that arise can be resolved or will be resolved, but giving customers the opportunity to share their concerns is an important step in the right direction. Loyal customers are working for your business, and you are working for them. Worth celebrating!

Use ManyChat features and tools to build customer loyalty.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and should not be used as legal advice. Before engaging in text marketing, please consult your own lawyer.


Source: https://manychat.com/blog/