At workestablish a brandIn the process, take a second to consider the company and its unique brand choices. How are their brands intertwined on all platforms? Perhaps the company has chosen a unique color scheme that stands out from the competition. Maybe the company chose a memorable slogan or logo.

Branding start-ups (creating the overall beauty of the corporate image) is an important part of making companies stand out. The purpose of the company is encapsulated through specific fonts, colors and logos, laying the foundation for the brand's voice to shine.

Brand voiceIt is how a company conveys its personality and brand value to its target audience.

The beauty of a brand is important, but it depends to a large extent on the voice of the brand.

Undoubtedly, it is hard to hear in the ever-changing competitive marketing ring. Comparing games is easy to think of as a new business to build your brand image. The brand may be correct, but if a company tries to imitate the voice of a competitor, it will never stand out.

While maintaining authenticity, how can companies establish a brand voice that speaks to their target audience?

What is your message?

If you are rightHow to increase brand awarenessCurious, then managing brand information is very important. Think about how your target audience views your brand message. If this seems to be an overwhelming starting point, use these tips to break the deadlock.

  • What is the core value of our business?
  • List the top 5 strengths of the team.
  • What do you want customers to gain from using your products/services?
  • How do you want customers to feel when shopping with your company?

Using these tips will help you answer three important questions:

  1. Why does your company exist?
  2. What sets you apart from companies similar to yours?
  3. What are your potential promises to customers and employees?

Clarifying the company’s overall brand message is essential for building a voice. Companies can promise almost anything, but customers discover false information faster than companies can use marketing strategies to solve problems. Find the news that best describes your business. In these next steps, your corporate voice will sound immediately.

Know your audience

Want to knowWhat is brand equityAnd its significance? Establishing and understanding the target audience is the foundation of any marketing strategy. Unfortunately, just sending a message is not enough. The message needs to represent the voice of your brand identity. You must know who is on the other end of your ads, email campaigns, and social media platforms. Ideally, a message can be communicated to everyone, but this is not the case.

Having a target audience allows your message to reach your brandWant toInformation conveyed. For example, it would be great if everyone wanted to buy maternity clothes, but that is not the case (surprised?). Therefore, the brand appeal of maternity clothing boutiques will have to attract women.

Be honest about who is buying your product, and try to determine who that audience is. You can further improve your work efficiency by dividing your audience into various categories with similar characters or demographic characteristics. For example, when it comes to customers, B2C may have a unique brand voice in its marketing materials, but may slightly modify it in the marketing materials of the business partnership.

If your product or service is suppressed like our example, then you are already halfway through building your brand reputation. You know your audience, now you only need to know what to say and how to say it.

Creating a Role

Select the target audience that you and your team have established, and elaborate on it. Creating two to three roles for your audience is beneficial to you and your customers. Through this exercise, you can humanize the audience and directly cater to them in all marketing tasks. If you did not receive the expected feedback, it may beRenamedIt's time.

This is a simple example of how a maternity clothing boutique can use role-playing as a brand voice.

Roles Brand voice label
Twenties, first-time mother, professional
Fun, relaxing, encouraging #Stupid #ootd #workingmom

From there, boutiques can enrich their roles by adding a mom with multiple children, a single mom, an athletic mom, etc. Giving the customer a role allows you to communicate clearly with the team. Your writer will be able to advertise to specific groups of people through appropriate roles. For example, sales of suit jackets in boutiques will directly attract "Abby".

"Three Characters" Exercise

If someone asked you to describe your business in three words, what would you say?

Just as marketing sometimes requires a detailed introduction to the business, it is worth a quick summary of the overall vision/objectives of your business. What words do you want customers to use when describing your business?

Does your business meet needs, solve problems or create opportunities?

Who does your company serve?

Is the family better because of your products?

Going back to the previous example, it makes sense for a maternity clothing boutique to want its customer base to describe it as comfortable, reliable and stylish.

The three words you choose not only describe the business itself, but also describe the business. Virtue is also a descriptive word you can consider (for example, trustworthiness, loyalty, respect, etc.). A three-word summary for building a brand will help you strengthen your voice.

Improve your content

Marketing strategies fluctuate with the growth of any business. If you go back to the drawing board and rename it, don’t worry. It takes time to find your brand voice, which is a positive indicator of your business development. Before spending a lot of time completely renaming your business, filter the older content and repurpose it.

By making side-by-side comparisons in new articles, use older blog posts to show your business growth and where it is heading. Post replies on social media to pave the way for your new brand.

Existing customers will want to know why things have changed. This is your opportunity to level the communication environment and keep everyone on the same page. You need to convey your brand voice in a strong and confident image, not whisper. Don't be hindered by outdated content, but use it to promote the great changes that are about to happen.


Your brand voice will become the tool you use when navigating your business in the background. Knowing your brand voice will save you from rushing to develop new products, which is not your vision. It will help you stay sane when you try to compare yourself to every business that has a platform on Instagram. Your brand voice will provide consistency to your team and customers. Companies that some of us would think of don't know who they are. They may be trendy and may be generating sales, but they are inconsistent in terms of offer, price and reviews.

This is not enough to achieve sales. Sales are not always the same as repeat customers. Likewise, companies are almost always changing. Frustrations and chapters with difficulties and adaptations. Consistency will always bring you back to the center. It pays to know who you are and stick to your brand voice.

The other part of ensuring consistency is ensuring that your digital assets are in sync with the brand voice. Your email marketing, website andMessenger marketingAll should have a clear brand voice and tone.

What is brand personality

Important points

Know your business information. Determine who your target audience is and create roles to help humanize it. How would you describe your business in three words? Knowing this will be woven into the character you create and the message you want to convey. Don't give up the old content for now! Use existing resources to reuse your resources. Your brand voice is not difficult to find. Take the time to evaluate all the techniques in this article with your team. We would love to know what you are learning as a team.

Just like you, ManyChat has gone through a brainstorming process. We discovered how we want to help companies, the services we want to provide and provide, and how to open up markets on this service. Visit our website! You can see that we only know who we are and who we want to support (you!).

