You don't need to be James Cameron or Martin Scorsese to attract the attention of the audience. Today, online store owners and marketers can create successful video ads to attract viewers and encourage them to take action.

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to connect with the audience. In fact, the viewer keeps95%While reading in the text, it retains 10%.

With the help of video, you can have more creative freedom when conveying information. Stunning visual effects can help you tell fascinating stories like never before.

Show your video to more relevant audiences and attract viewers to joinMessenger botAnd one way to increase the return on advertising spending is through Facebook video advertising.

From comedy ideas to exciting user-generated content, here are some examples to help you create successful Facebook video ads.

What is Facebook video advertising?

If you want to knowHow to advertise on FacebookAnd reduce noise, then Facebook video ads are the tools you need to succeed. Facebook video ads are promotional content that can be played in the viewer's news feed, story or video stream while watching other videos.

Paid advertising on Facebook can help you get your product or service in front of a new audience and contribute to the company's overall video marketing strategy. You can use Facebook’s native Ads Manager tool orManyChatCreate videos while pushing people to your Messenger bot to start a conversation and encourage conversion.

Why Facebook video ads are important

Video is continuing to be popular and keeps pace with social media platforms such as Facebook. Consumers watch more videos than ever before. It is even predicted that by 2021, ordinary people will spend100 minutesOnlineWatch the video.

In short, now is the best time to use video marketing:

  • 78% of people watch online video every week, and 55% of people watch online video every day. (HubSpot)
  • 92% of users watch videos on mobile devices and share videos with others. (Virtuets)
  • The number of views of social media posts with videos increased by 48%. (HubSpot)

This is why Facebook is one of the best (if not the best) platforms for video advertising:

  • In the United States, 69% of adults use Facebook. (Lyfe)
  • The average user spends about 20 minutes per visit on a Facebook channel every day. (Infodocket)
  • 51% of American millennials cannot walk for 5 hours without checking Facebook. (Pew Research)
  • Facebook has more than 8 billion video views every day. (TechCrunch)
  • 75 million people visit Facebook's video platform every day. (advertisingweekly)

By placing video ads on Facebook, you can also get new strategies that can bring more benefits to your business. For example, you can add a link to your post that redirects the user to Messenger (we call this a "click link" ad).

Here, you can do many things based on the content provided by the video. Suppose your video is an advertisement for a new product. In Messenger, you can send links to potential customers to the product page of your website through the Messenger bot.

Or, you can promote personalized recommendations by asking potential customers to answer questions about their buying preferences. With this Facebook marketing strategy, you can send them to selected product pages based on the collected information, thereby providing them with a quickly customized shopping experience.

Here are the other main benefits of using Facebook video ads:

  • Precise positioning: through Facebook advertising targeting, you can use Facebook's advertising management system or ManyChat to create "custom" or "similar audiences" to attract users who may be interested in your products or services.
  • attractattention:With Facebook’s autoplay feature, your video will start playing when the user scrolls down the news source. This can help you attract their attention. To keep it, you need to add compelling content to the video.
  • Effective repositioning:You can use in ManyChatCustom audienceTo retarget users who watched a certain percentage of the video and show them another ad.

How to make a Facebook video ad

Without complicated coding, you can also make video ads start and run quickly. ManyChat has a built-in Facebook advertising tool that allows you to upload video content. You can complete your campaign without leaving the platform.

To create a Facebook video ad in ManyChat, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the control panelGrowth tool
  1. Click " Create new campaign "And choose the type of ad you like. If you want to direct users to Messenger, the "Messages" option is the best choice, while the "Traffic" option is ideal for directing users to your website.
  1. select" Create new creative set ", you can locate the object and target location you want this ad to reach.
  1. Choose your message destination.You have two options:
  • Sponsorship-this option allows you toFacebook's 24-hour ruleSend promotional information outside
  • Click messenger – your ad will be displayed in the user’s news feed and when they click it will be taken to Messenger
  1. Choose custom audiences, lookalike audiences or create new audiences. If you need to create a new audience, ManyChat connects to Facebook and allows you to populate users based on their location, language, behavior, and interests.
  1. Choose your ad placement.Modifying the location instead of allowing the platform to choose for you can give you more control over the location of the ad.
  1. Select device type:Desktop or mobile device. With the latter option, your ad will be optimized for mobile devices to ensure that it can be loaded correctly to viewers. considering40% of online transactionsIt is done using a mobile device, so you may want to choose a mobile device to meet your potential needs.
  1. distributionYour daily budgetAnd create ad schedule.If your allocated funds are insufficient, ManyChat will remind you. You can choose to run ads continuously from a specific date, or you can set a start and end date.
  1. Create ads.You can upload videos and captions that attract attention here. ManyChat also allows you to include CTA (Call to Action) and provides built-in options to simplify this operation.
  1.  Create a join message.If your goal is to attract subscribers from a video, you can create an opt-in message that will be displayed when the user enters Messenger. You can also create buttons to provide users with new options for them to choose, such as visiting your website or activating a free trial version.
  1. Confirm the details of the ad. You can preview it in ManyChat and wait for Facebook to approve it. This may take five minutes to two days.

Now you know how to create a Facebook video ad in ManyChat. But how to ensure that it effectively attracts and converts audiences? The following six tips will help.

Want to get a higher return on investment from Facebook video advertising? Get ManyChat now. It is free to get started.

Six tips for high-conversion Facebook video ads

1. Include subtitles

WatchFacebook videoHaveEighty-five percentThere is no sound. why? People are not always in a situation where the volume can be turned up. They may be at work, in the library or next to a sleeping baby at home. To ensure that everyone can digest your content, please provide accurateFacebook ad copy.

2. Keep it short and concise

Wistia discoveryOn average, people watch more than 80% of videos with less than 30 seconds. This makes sense: due to the adoption of mobile technology, our focus has been constantly shortening. The sooner you reach the point, the less likely the audience will lose interest.

Check out these topFree video editing software,To help you create a compelling short video for your campaign.

3. Mention your brand within the first three seconds

Facebook recently discovered, If your video has your brand or logo in the first three seconds, the likelihood of consumers remembering you will increase by 23%.

4. Add a strong call to action

You have created great video content, but what will the viewer do after watching it? A powerful CTA can help your audience navigate the next step. You can take them to the Messenger bot or take them to the product detail page to help them take action and help you achieve your marketing campaign goals.

Learn how to create an effective CTA.

5. Personalize your video

"Personalization makes the company and customer relationship humanized," "ForbesMagazineJa WattsSay. Consider using something likeHippo VideooridomooA kind of platform that combines customer data and video to provide a more intimate experience.

6. Evaluate the effectiveness of video advertising

If you don't monitorVideo statistics,You will never know how effective a video ad is. Understand ROI and engagement, while gaining insight into how to improve future advertising.

Five best examples of Facebook video ads

Need some inspiration to stimulate your creativity? Look no further. Here are five examples of attractive Facebook video ads that have produced significant results.

1. Nature of the beekeeper

Beekeeper's NaturalsHope to increase the order of Beegan Pharmacy for its product sampling box to increase its average order value. The company created a video ad that offered a 10% discount to viewers who clicked on Messenger.

Examples of natural Facebook video ads for beekeepers

Because of its precise positioning, the video is very effective in attracting orders-only people who have visited the company’s website and left an abandoned shopping cart in the past 30 days can watch the video.

By specifically restricting customers who have previously shown genuine interest in the product, Beekeeper’s Naturals Facebook video ad produced:

  • Bundle purchases increased by 39%
  • Return on advertising expenditure increased by 4.5 times

Learn more about this example.

2. Corona Canada

Corona The goal of Facebook video advertising is to encourage people to view the Corona beer brand as a brand that cares about people, communities and the world.

It created a series of video ads for the Corona Coastline Cleanup campaign, each of which targeted the geographic location of a specific city to make it more personalized. In addition, in order to improve cost efficiency, the marketing team allowed Facebook to automatically allocate the highest budget to the best performing ads for all types of ads, and automatically select the best placement based on the effect.

Corona Natural Facebook Video ad example

As a result of these smart decisions, the video campaign produced the following results:

  • Increase Corona information related to cleaning up the Canadian coastline by 2.3 points
  • Active information association, each person can save 35% of the cost
  • Advertising recall increased by 9.2 points
  • 4.2 point improvement of purchase intention

Learn more about this example.

3. Michael Stars

Clothing retailerMichael StarsHope to test whether Facebook video ads are more cost-effective than photo ads in generating sales.

Michael Stars Facebook video ad example

The company developed and compared two independent campaigns with the same budget and time frame: one containing image ads and the other containing video ads.

It also takes advantage of Facebook’s advanced video advertising features, such as automatic placement, budget optimization, and automatic advanced matching (activities on the website and anonymous feedback on the website to customers).

By applying these automated features to its video advertising, Michael Stars has generated more cost-effectiveness than its photo campaign, which has produced:

  • 3% reduction in cost per purchase
  • 11% increase in return on ad spend

Learn more about this example.

4. Luca and Dani

Jewellery manufacturers Luca and Danni tried to increase brand awareness through Facebook video ads by emphasizing brand elements and call-to-action in videos.

These videos show beautiful snapshots of the studio’s products to grab the audience’s attention and show off to a “custom audience”: people who add items to their shopping carts or make purchases. It also finds new potential customers for similar audiences.

Luca + Danni video ad example on Facebook

In order to measure the effectiveness of advertising, we conducted a study using two groups: those who saw the advertisement and those who did not. The study found that the former test group had better results in improving brand awareness and advertising recall. Overall, the video campaign generated:

  • Increased sales conversions by 4 times
  • Ad recall rate increased by 30 points
  • Brand awareness increased by 24 points
  • Return on advertising expenditure increased by 1.8 times

Learn more about this example.

5. Thinx

Thinx decided to use Facebook video ads to increase brand awareness and send provocative messages about "what happens if a gay person has menstruation".

Thinx Facebook ads with video examples

The company has produced short videos with subtitles around this provocative subject so that viewers can understand the content without sound. In addition to having similar audiences, video ads were also shown to people in the United States for a period of time.

For those who watched the video, Thinx got in touch with them and asked some questions to get people's attention and draw viewers to specific landing pages on the website where underwear products can be purchased.

Thinx conducted a Facebook brand promotion study to measure the results of its brand awareness campaign. The results show that:

  • Ad recall rate increased by 19 points
  • Brand familiarity increased by 8.5 points
  • 7.5 point improvement in message association
  • 30% increase in traffic
  • 68% increase in new website visitors

Learn more

Make the most of your Facebook video ads

What business goals will you achieve with Facebook video advertising? Keep in mind the following most important tips for creating high-conversion videos to attract, persuade and participate:

  1. Include subtitles
  2. Keep it short and concise
  3. Mention your brand in the first three seconds
  4. Include strong calls to action
  5. Personalize your video
  6. Measuring the effectiveness of video ads

Make the most of your Facebook ad spend with ManyChat. It is free to get started.