The term "customer experience" sounds important, right?

Yes, but first we must define what kind of customer experience is needed? We cannot rely on its implicit "important" status.

Customer experience is the impression your business makes on customers, which leads to how they perceive your brand.

According to the definition we just learned, customer experience has far-reaching significance. It is not limited to customer service. Customer experience covers all the interactions that customers can have with your business. This can include the ease (or difficulty) of navigating in an e-commerce site, across emails orMessenger MarketingSuch as the communication method and frequency of the platform, or the return policy established by your company.

Why is customer experience important?

If the customer experience is far-reaching, then the effort to ensure that customers have a positive impact must also be far-reaching. Your customer's journey and overall experience directly affect the growth of your business. How does customer experience have such a powerful impact on business success?

We will tell you (of course very interesting). Here are the outstanding customer experiences of 3 R and how they affect your overall business:

recommend- Customer types with a good customer experience will recommend your business to their friends and family. Satisfied customers will even praise you to strangers on social media. What does this mean for your business? Well, for beginners, you can provide some free ads for your business. This will bring you new potential customers and new paying customers for free!

Of course, a negative customer experience is the opposite. Customers who are dissatisfied with their experience sometimes go to great lengths to express their disapproval and discourage people from doing business with you. We may all think of an era of poor experience and widespread communication. As business owners, we are shocked by this idea, but as consumers, we can easily connect with the reasoning behind it. This can be harmful to the business, especially when many people share their negative customer experience.

comment-How encouraging is it when customers post positive comments on your corporate website or social media? If you spend time reading reviews on any site, you have seen customers not only reviewing products. Comments can be used to share their opinions on any aspect of their business experience. The review may start with a product review, but it may shift to expressing frustration or praise for the customer service received. The comments may mention shipping time or product packaging. Customers may notice the difference between how products are advertised and how they are received.

Repeat customers-A positive customer experience can create repeat customers and stronger customer relationships. This may seem redundant, but it is important to repeat and implement customer relationship management training. This is the ultimate customer experience goal! Keeping this in mind in all your strategy formulation processes is a firm motivation. Remember, as mentioned at the beginning, returning customers usually bring in new customers.

How to measure customer experience?

How do you know if your customer base has a positive or negative experience?

How to measure customer experience?

By integrating customer relationship management tools and using some metrics in conjunction with the following customer data, your company can gain insight into customer satisfaction:

  1. Ask customers to fill out questionnaires to measure satisfaction.
  2. Check the reasons for customer churn and how quickly the churn occurs.
  3. Research customer service tickets to see complaint trends.
  4. There is a virtual "recommendation box" to measure customer expectations and wishes.

By examining these four areas, your team will be able to evaluate customer satisfaction. After that, you will be able to properly resolve any issues by improving the affected areas in your business. This brings us to our next question.

How can my business improve the customer experience?

Customers want a positive experience, which is why they give you feedback in the first place. Now, it's up to your company to consider all insights. After observing customer data and inputs (reviews, complaints, and customer service notifications), you can continue to solve these problems and develop business strategies to achieve customer experience transformation.

There are several ways you can improve the customer experience "score" and generate sales.

  1. Walk a mile in shoes.You may have evaluated the expectations and expectations of your customers, but have you considered the actual customer experience? Consider the established process for your business.

Suppose a customer finds your product (a bag) on Pinterest and immediately brings it to your website. They hope to find leather bags, but log on to the page about shoes. The bag they were looking for was a sale item, but the classification was incorrect, so they got lost in the random packaging of the full price item. The customer did not see the live chat button, so they sent an email. The automatic replies shown in the inbox indicate that they are out of the office, but they have not specified office hours.

Do you see that this can be confusing and frustrating? Your business is likely to lose a customer-a customer who might share its negative experience.

Take some time to review your processes and develop a customer experience strategy to ensure that customers get the most relaxing experience.

  1. Make your website mobile-friendly.Of course, to create a good customer experience, a user-friendly website is essential. When doing this, please take extra steps and design a mobile-friendly website. How many of us try to order something from a mobile phone and land on a confusing website with small fonts and clumsy layout? This made us decide to order the device when we were close to the computer, but this would never happen.

Customers want to be able to shop through any device. The "Mobile Order" option must exist. If the website is customized to simplify the user experience, then sales are effortless.

  1. Prompt for immediate feedback.We have already discussed evaluating customer insights to better understand customer satisfaction. What better way than making it an integral part of the shopping process? After purchasing, customers are more likely to comment on the services received.

After talking to customer service representatives on the phone or live chat, it has become a common practice to have customers rate their experience. The problem should be straightforward and there should be only a few. Although customer data is minimal, it is significant. The answers to these questions can provide your team with ammunition to better develop strategies and build strong customer relationships.

You can even adopt customer feedback measures on social media pages. In the ManyChat dashboard, you can create a process that targets users who have purchased and used a chatbot, and the chatbot asks for feedback. Just make sure to provide incentives!

  1. Implement an excellent return policy.This technique does not require much explanation. If there is no fair return policy, customers will feel angry, it is entirely their right. Make sure your e-commerce business provides a fair return policy and issue a refund as soon as possible. Customers will not easily condone bad return policies, and they will certainly never forget them.

Leading example

If we intend to take proactive actions in your e-commerce business to improve the customer experience, then we need to look at the examples provided by those who already have this experience.

Amazon: A+ in app and website navigation

Amazon's apps and desktop browser are easy to navigate. Amazon has mastered the convenience of shopping, checkout and even returns. The product is not difficult to find, and the recommended product is clearly displayed for the customer. As part of its generous return policy, Amazon can refund at any time and deal with customer issues promptly. A+ can bring excellent customer experience.

Benefits of customer relationship management

Canva: Winning customer service

With the rapid development of social media marketing in businesses, Canva is becoming more and more popular. The sales representative team owned by Canva takes customer service to a new level. The voucher has been opened and quickly resolved. The entire experience emphasizes the personalized experience of each customer. this isChatbot for customer serviceWhat they do-they create a personal connection between the business and the customer.

Starbucks: Enjoy the convenience

Go ahead and order a latte via the Starbucks app. We dare. Starbucks makes ordering through its mobile app so easy! This directly indicates the need to place orders easily. Not only can you order from the app, but Starbucks also allows you to earn points from the rewards program within the same app. Starbucks provides a digital customer experience so that they can control their personal experience.

The importance of customer relationship management


Customer experience is what your e-commerce business can control. Techniques and strategies for creating a beneficial experience for the customer’s journey include evaluating customer reviews, positioning yourself, reviewing processes that need to be changed, and continuing to make the shopping experience easy.

