Anyone canOn amazonsell. But selling well is another matter.

If you missed our live webinar "How to use ManyChat with 7-digit and 8-digit Amazon experts", you can learn it now. Troy Johnston, the co-founder of Seller.Tools, delved into the tools used by the top 1% of Amazon sellers and common mistakes to avoid. In addition, you will learn how to use the ManyChat robot to stand out from the competition.

In addition, we include frequently asked questions in the Trojan answers below.

How 7-digit and 8-digit Amazon experts use ManyChat

Follow-up question and answer of Troy Johnston

ask: How does Amazon view the rebate method? Does it violate any ToS from Amazon?

Troy Johnston: We encourage you to review Amazon’s own discount program! We also ensure that our customers are consistent with our quotation expectations at every step of the process and put them first. There is absolutely no incentive to complete the quotation, refund, etc. Therefore, we believe this is in line with the spirit of Amazon ToS and their own rebate program.

In the end, we know that even if the deadline or title in your list is too long, it runs counter to Amazon ToS (in fact, the rules stipulate that the seller may now go bankrupt), so we can use these more advanced strategies in our own business. Very important.

ask: Are all these jobs effective in Amazon UK?


ask: Is your strategy useful to Amazon authors?

TJ: Yes, similar strategies will apply to books that achieve mass sales of specific keywords. We call this "sales speed", and Amazon has a positive attitude towards this and can help books and other products rank well on Amazon.

ask: What are the new rules for Facebook to use Messenger for broadcasting?

TJ: You canHereFind all the information.

ask: How many units do we need to give away?

TJ: We recommend that you check the keyword data in your Seller.Tools account. This can include brand analysis data that will let you know the top ranked ASINs and their relative conversion percentages (at the keyword level). Viewing search volume and search volume can give you an idea of how many units you might need to give up to get a given keyword’s ranking.

ask: Is the automated method applicable to all markets?

TJ: Yes, this kind of automation and all key functions are suitable for most major Amazon markets. As more tools/resources are added to other markets, please make sure to keep this in mindOn the pageResources. 

ask: What can someone do to establish a connection between Seller.Tools API + ManyChat and another third-party software's API. Is hiring a developer the right step?

TJ: Yes, automation has great potential, and I encourage, first of all, to seek quick success with solutions like Zapier and Integromat. However, knowledgeable developers can use the public API to connect any point or create any solution without problems.

ask: What if the customer cancels the order after issuing the rebate?

TJ: Freestream automatically checks whether the customer cancelled the order before shipping. Therefore, the customer must effectively return the goods at this time. This is an opportunity to review and consider uploading customers who have refunded to your blacklist. However, if there are any practical problems with orders, delivery, experience, etc., you may have to be careful, but if you think that the customer is trying to abuse the process, you can definitely choose.

ask: If there are six requests in one minute, how will Amazon restrict operations?

TJ: This is a limitation set by the Amazon API. We include throttling checks, just to ensure that there is enough time to complete the process.

ask: I bought this "finished for you" product last week. Is it possible to choose the "receive reward" option for our process?

TJ: Please contact us at [email protected], we will ensure that you provide support for this!

ask: Do they receive physical cards for selected gift cards? Or a virtual gift card?

TJ: The virtual gift card can be obtained through Pick Reward Link. Customers can choose each $ 3 physical gift card.

ask: Does this only apply to Amazon sellers? Can this work for the shipper?

TJ: Yes, this applies to the direct shipping model, but you will need to change the process to account for any custom or unique processes you implement. The process itself is suitable for the FBA (Prime shipping) model.

ask: Will this process take too much time and make customers lose interest in the whole process?

TJ: No, we think this process works very well. This is the fourth version of this process. Each new iteration has more features, but maintains the same customer experience.

ask: Can you modify this process to rebate 50%?

TJ: Yes, absolutely! You can fully customize offers and messaging to enjoy a 50% discount. It is very important to clarify this with the client in order to have consistent expectations.

ask: Can we use this process without

TJ:Yes! Troy will share a template at the end, if you have a ManyChat account, you can install it

ask: How to change the keyword link?

TJ: Consider adding a randomizer to rotate the URL. This is very useful for diversifying link types, keywords, etc.

ask: Can we hire Seller.Tools to implement this tool for our brand?

TJ: We do provide "complete on demand" services. you canHereFind more information.

ask: In the Seller.Tools process library, is the title of the process equivalent to "gift card allocation and order verification"?

TJ: The process we introduced in the webinar is "Pick Reward Link Rebate Distribution", which can be found inHereturn up.

ask: Can you postpone the issuance of gift cards until after the 30-day return window?

TJ: Yes, this is possible. The most important thing to remember is to fully clarify this with your customers so that they understand the quotation, process, etc.

ask: If we use a two-mail post-purchase order for all Amazon purchases, is it possible to suppress the email order of customers who purchase goods through ManyChat streaming?

TJ: Yes, this is possible. The most important thing to remember is to fully clarify this with your customers so that they understand the quotation, process, etc.

ask: Are all rebate options the same?

TJ: Yes, when you inject money into your wallet, you will unlock access to create/send Amazon, VISA, Master Card and Pick Reward Link options.

ask: What if the money in the wallet is used up? Can customers still buy and receive rewards?

TJ: No, you need to make sure you have funds in your wallet. Moreover, you can always use the automatic recharge function to ensure sufficient funds. However, if the amount should fall below your threshold during the process, you and the customer will be notified that this issue needs to be resolved.

ask: We can default certain fields (such as market and gift card type) so that we don’t have to click every time?

TJ: Great feature request! Add this to our notes. Any other good ideas? Don't hesitate toHereAdd them.

ask: Please explain the scope of this strategy in Amazon TOS? Obviously it is ranking manipulation (including the URL of the search term) and comment manipulation (incentivizing comments). The consequences of falling into manipulation of rankings or comments are very serious, that is, the account is suspended.

TJ: According to your explanation of ToS, you can customize the process according to your needs. As a simple adjustment, you can change the process to "search for purchases". Given that you will advise customers to "find our brand on Amazon" at any time, ToS essentially instructs them to conduct a brand search (using your brand as a keyword), and then find and purchase your product. That is to search for purchases. In addition, we will not incentivize reviews, nor will we require customers to complete any steps (such as leaving a review) to meet our preferential terms. This also eliminates this worry.

ask: I have created and used the previous version. What should I do to update to this new version using "blacklist" and reward selection?

TJ: We recommend that you import this new process and any optimizations made to the current process, which can be copied/pasted to add to the new process.

ask: Do we have to fill in our own blacklist?

TJ: Yes, this is a resource you can use at will. But we encourage sharing with trusted sellers. In our Facebook group FBA Kings, we have some sellers start sharing with each other to build their own blacklist.

ask: As far as I know, there are Manychat functions and other KW and other types of functions in the seller tool. Do I have to subscribe to Seller.Tools with all functions?

TJ: Yes, we do provide many functions in Seller.Tools as an all-in-one solution. For all the features mentioned in the webinar (including new features), you need to use the Starter plan or later.

ask: Before applying the entire process on site, is there any way to try it first on ManyChat?

TJ: Yes, we have a test API key, you can try everything before going online. For more information on where to find it and add it to ManyChat, please scroll herepagebottom.

ask: Do you suggest to provide 100% tax refund or non-tax refund?

TJ: You can exclude taxes, but the most important thing is to clarify with customers. Ultimately, they need to know any costs that are realized in the process, but you can test at the same time to ensure that there is no friction with the customer, and your advertising, quotation and process can create a seamless process for the customer.

ask: Can it be used with ASIN/variants of products?

TJ: Yes, absolutely. You just need to ensure that items such as pictures, messaging, and links can definitely enhance items that meet the given child ASIN preferential conditions.

ask: Will you share some tips on how to attract quality customers? How did you do it? Where to advertise?

TJ: We recommend that you check out our free mini courses to learn how to create Facebook ads to rank on Amazon. You canHereFind it under "Seller.Tools Exclusives" in your Seller.Tools account.

ask: Troy, in addition to the visa gift card, can you please share the best way to filter traders? What are the most important questions you suggest to qualify an eligible credit score account? Specific buying behavior?

TJ: You can include some steps to capture more customer/order related information from the customer, but this does increase the complexity of the process. When you do too much review for this purpose, keeping in line with Amazon ToS will also be more challenging. We believe that a blacklist can help solve this "problem" by restricting access to customers and ensuring that bad actors or even only transaction chasers are left outside.

ask: Do I need an entry plan to use e-wallet?

TJ: Yes, the entry level plan and above in the seller plan. The tool will enable you to access APIs, e-wallets, blacklists, etc.

Learn more about how to use ManyChat in your Amazon store with our free course.

