If you want to see the most innovative chatbot examples in one place, then you will like this updated article.

TheChatbotThe ecosystem has changed to many companies using the instant messaging market, but our goal remains the same: fast, innovative, and convenient customer service.

In a noisy and competitive space, the robots most suitable for enterprises are novel and act as a direct bridge between customer problems and solutions.

Today, we will share the best chatbot ideas that have been proven to help companies conduct meaningful conversations and generate revenue. Therefore, you can also become a successful chat marketer.

let's start!

What is a chatbot?

A chatbot is a software application designed to simulate human conversations on the Internet. Many chatbots are inMessaging applicationOr running on Short Message Service (SMS). Chatbot technology uses natural language processing and artificial intelligence to understand human needs and adjust its response to help end users achieve desired results.

A chatbot is like a virtual assistant that can create a better customer experience at every consumer touch point.

How do chatbots work?

Chatbots are not "one size fits all" technology. The function of a chatbot depends on the business task you need it to complete. Today, customers can experience three different types of chatbots:

1. Rule-based chatbot.Rule-based chat bots are the most common chat bots in enterprises. It uses a graphical interface with preset rulesChat marketing platformConstructed. The user will choose to respond, and the chatbot will guide in the right direction.

2. AI chatbot.These conversational robot applications can learn at any time. They are built by developers, and the more people interact with them, the smarter they become.

3. Live chat.Live chat enables customer support and sales teams to respond to customer questions in real time. The team can respond through messaging apps and help create a better customer experience on its website, Facebook page or mobile app.

Chatbot example 1: World Health Organization (WHO)

World Health Organization (WHO)It is the number one in our chatbot list. The WHO is one of the main sources of trusted information on the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). WHOOn WhatsAppConstruct  Got aNamed "WHO Health Alert" Robot,To share information related to the pandemic.

WHO Health Alert COVID-19 Bot

The WHO Health Alert robot can help people protect themselves from infection, provide travel advice and absurd myths about the coronavirus. The service was initially launched in English, but reportedly will be available in all six UN languages (English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish) in the coming weeks.

Chatbot example 2: UAE holidays

Display adsaverageCTR is 0.35%, the lowest in history. With this in mind, Emirates Holidays has created a dialogue robot in its display ad. The company locates different visual effects andRobot sequence. Since its deployment in 2018,Participation rate increased by 87%.

Examples of display ad chatbots

Lessons learned from the Emirates display advertising chatbot:

  • Related to the user journey:Rather than sending the same message to everyone, use a separate sequence for your homepage, product page, and Facebook business page.
  • Keep user goals in mind: Emirates bot is not just a cool advertisement, it is also a direct way to achieve the desired goal. When browsing your website or Facebook page, users should keep the task in mind. Your robot needs to help them complete it as quickly as possible.
  • Compliment the user, the experience is smooth:Imagine that you can book a trip directly in this ad without leaving the current page? It may be skeptical at first. But considering that travel search is a huge hassle, "book here now" is the most practical and convenient way.

Chatbot example 3: National Geographic

Ever wondered what it would be like to talk to Einstein? Well, now you can-kinda. To help promote their new show "genius","National Geographic created a dialogue robot, Speaking like Einstein. When most companies post promotions in your chat window, they use Einstein bots to track users’ conversations and reply to information about shows and other interesting information.

Examples of brands using chatbots (NatGeo)

result?The average conversation time is 6-8 minutes, 11 conversations each time, user re-engagement is 50%, and there is a community of followers. These indicators come from a carefully selected, user-friendly chatbot strategy.

  • Use chatbots to create an intimate experience:People think they are "talking to Einstein" in real time in a human-friendly way. Einstein was able to answer professional and personal questions, allowing users to feel a one-to-one connection with robots and performances.
  • Make people laugh and associate with them:Laughter is not only good for the soul, but it is something we don’t want to do. Especially when you interact with the brand. Build your bot to be informative and conversational, and it can be easily handled here and there.
  • Rethink older concepts in novel ways:Chatbots are now widely used by many different companies. Rather than reusing the same old sequence, try new things that people have never seen before.

Chatbot example 4: Hipmunk

Few market segments are more competitive and saturated than travel, butSimpunkAbility to book air tickets, hotels, cars, etc. based on location to eliminate noise. consideringOrdinary people visited 38 sites before booking, Hipmunk is a convenient travelBookingthe way.

This is an example of their Facebook Messenger Bot

Hipmunks cool chatbot example

This sequence is completely suitable for the complexity of the user's search method:

  • Send transactions or promotions based on user preferences:This is a simple but powerful feature that can help users extract information from all sites in multiple sites (messengers). Anyone who is accustomed to the "million tab search method" can finally feel relieved in the search process.
  • Use conversational language to personalize the experience:Being proficient in dialogue builds trust between the robot and the user. Each interaction mimics a real-time agent, making it easy for users to connect and understand. Imagine talking to a friend or live agent.
  • Create rich and useful content.In most cases, users will wait for a while to get results from different sites. But with "HipTips", their waiting time becomes a way to find new transactions and use apps.

Hipmunk here brings two powerful elements to the form: proactive promotion and simplified user-detailed procedures. You can easily get to where you want to go without having to go to tourist attractions and find deals in person.

Chatbot example 5: Winebot by Lidl

A well-educated customer is an authorized customer.Lidl's Winebot MargotBring a warm personality to the sultry wine world. Users can get a guide to buying wine, food pairing tips, and even know how to make wine. It can also recommend more than 220 food combinations and answer questions based on 640 different types of grapes.

Lidl's Winebot Chatbot example
  • Don't hide your robot:Margot lives in many different places in the Lidl ecosystem. Most of the activity comes from its website, which then provides instructions on how to activate the bot in Messenger. Just in case, please find it easily throughout the company.
  • Provide live chat to increase participation:We know that chatbots cannot solve all problems. That’s why you want to always get as easy as possibleReal-time supportthe reason.
  • Match the language of your audience: Margot learns with the go. The bot has learned how to filter recommendations based on price-but not everyone uses the same terminology. Marg started using 5 pounds, 5 pounds, 5 euros or even "about 5 euros" to identify the difference between user queries.

Chatbot example 6: Kia

Despite being a complex industry, automakersKia (KIA)Use chatbots to turn Messenger into a viable information platform. "Kian"The number of interactions is 3 times that of the company website, Dialogue with 115,000 users every week, the conversion rate reached 21%.

Kia chatbot example

This oneFacebook chatbot exampleIncredible indicators are the result of expected user intent, which can help Kia personalize services on a large scale:

  • Collect user data to improve redirection.Your Messenger bot should not let the clues disappear without a trace, but should capture the customer’s detailed information and needs. It will drive future sales and remarketing efforts.
  • Provide different services in one place:Capturing potential customer information is valuable, but it's not the only thing your robot can do. Kia’s Facebook Messenger bot can also provide roadside assistance, bill payment options and store locators to meet field salespeople.
  • Copy human interaction to establish contact: Kian can answer any type of question for any car model that the salesperson can answer.

Your chatbot may also answer questions well, but this should be a by-product of the entire customer experience. You want to provide customers with everything Messenger needs-from information to payment and more.

Chatbot example 7: Whole Foods

inTotal foodThe Facebook Messenger robot is famous for recipes, product recommendations, and cooking inspiration. Their chatbot can help shoppers find recipes on the spot and attract traffic from Messenger to their website.

Example of Whole Foods chatbot

The same principles that apply to any marketing channel even apply to chatbot conversations. determineWhat canResonate with your audience and build features that benefit them:

  • Easily search for the required information:Whether shoppers need to quickly find recipes in the store or browse on the couch-Whole Foods makes it easy for users to find the recipes they need. It uses filters to narrow down the information, provides a preview of the dishes, and then sends users to its website for the complete recipe.
  • Talk to users How people talk:One of the biggest challenges in building a chatbot. Whole Foods allows users to search for recipes using emojis, just like they would react to a friend’s post or mock funny memes.
  • Inclusive for everyone:Personalization is usually half-baked and poorly executed, but with careful understanding, it can create interactive experiences. By giving users access to diet-specific recipes, it helps promote a culture of inclusiveness and happiness that welcomes everyone to eat whole foods.

Do you want to build an engaging customer service chatbot for your business? Sign up for a free ManyChat account to get started immediately.

Chatbot example #8: Madison Reed

Adoption ofMadison Reed's genius hair dye robotMadi,He is "obsessed with finding the most pleasing shadow." This chatbot example is mainly based on text, but what distinguishes it from the chatbot list is selfie submission. Users can submit selfies and Madi will point out the best color product recommendations for them. Cool?

Examples of the best beauty chatbots

Madi taught us some important lessons on how to build the best chatbot conversations.

  • Speak the natural language of the listener:Informal tone is one thing, but speaking out the style of the audience is another. Madi uses "x and o" and cute comments to build a connection with the audience.
  • Solve a practical problem:Similar to most lead generation strategies, your chatbot should help alleviate buyers' confusion. For example, it may take months to wait for a colorist appointment. Madi is like a personal colorist with 24-7 available.
  • Ask related questions: Madi asked questions such as "What color is your natural hair (excluding gray)?" And "has it been chemically treated?" to get user responses. She is witty, funny, and feels like you are chatting with friends on Facebook.

Charming always wins. Madi increased the click-through rate of the company's website by 21% and increased engagement by 400%.

Chatbot example 9: Duolingo

Learning a new language is not easy. You have these words in your mind, but they will never be as you wish. It turns out-the embarrassment when talking to a native English speaker is real. andListen to songsBend, Fear and AI powered chatbot application.

Duolingo Chatbot example

Although Duolingo Bot is used for language learning, it has taught us three lessons to build dialogue robots for any industry.

  • Revolve around existing troubles to succeed:Listen to users’ opinions and build sequences based on their concerns. Doing so provides them with a strong motivation to use it. Don't know what to write? Just reach out and discuss their goals with your customers.
  • Make it easy to use to achieve maximum utilization:Turning off your robot at any time will result in lost opportunities and benefits. Instead, make your robot available at any time of the day for any reason.
  • Design your robot to be interactive and enjoyable:Rewrite the same script chat for the same peoplerobot, Will not bring an exciting experience.

Chatbot example 10: Civilized caveman

Civilized cavemanIs the first to useFacebook Messenger botOne of the companies that tested. As a result, users who participated in the 1-minute "sugar test" will get 7 days of detoxification. The brand can then establish relationships with its current subscribers through content and products.

Civilized caveman Facebook chatbot example

With the tone of the conversation, the civilized caveman's test aroused an emotion. Whether you are curious or struggling with sugar addiction-this quiz opens the door for different types of people to become subscribers.

  • Use quizzes to start yourChatbot.Quizzes are one of the best ways to attract browsers. In addition, once they click "Get Started", they will automatically become subscribers.
  • Use images to increase engagement.GIFs and images captured the user's attention in that extra second. You know, it may take one to get the click you need.

Chatbot example #11: Bud Light

Want to create a cool experience for your customers? of course can Bud Light's Bud BotIs a very suitable chat for customersrobotSample conversation. Bud Bot reminds subscribers to store refrigerators on match day, send special cans, and even deliver beer in less than an hour on match day. During the 2017 election, its participation rate reached 83%.

Example of bud light chatbot
  • Become a customer's hero:Your marketing strategy will only work if you consider the time and environment. Follow Bud Light out of the cliff and send reminders or updates to subscribers at the right time with the right message. Use your robot to achieve their goals more easily.
  • Create a tailored experience:As passedE-commerce chatbotA way to increase participation and salesthe way, Bud Light provides special team cans for each city.
  • Do less, but do well:It would be tempting to want to do everything-but start slowly. As oursE-commerceto chat withRobot exampleShown in the beginning, try to do all the chatrobotIt usually fails.

Chatbot example #12: Amtrak

One of the reasons for the fastest adoption of chatbots in the travel industry is speed and convenience. In this example, Amtrak helps site visitors plan holidays, book reservations, browseAmtrak.com, Get route information, etc. It has become a powerful force for the company,Each booking can increase revenue by 30%, The return on investment reached 8 times, and can answer 5 million questions every year.

Best Customer Service Chatbot-Amtrak
  • Use after-sales support as a revenue channel. Returning customersaverage67% increase in expenditure, If you are satisfied with your service, thenspendMore.Fast and convenient customer support(In any industry) can bring happier customers, and for Amtrak, it turns out to be crazy profit.
  • Get ready for live chat for backup.The chatbot cannot answer all questions. Design your bot instead of making people feel annoying, but connect the browser with real-time support queries to support queries that require a touch of human touch.
  • Create a chatbot around customer questions.For example, more travelers are booking air tickets online compared to other methods. Amtrak wants to simplify its self-service for 375,000 daily visitors. Julie is the answer.

Chatbot example #13: Domino

DominoesChanged the way we order food through the interactive pizza robot Dom. Domino’s chatbot can reorder previous orders, provide a complete menu, and track all deliveries in Messenger. It has become the bestOne of the customer service chatbots -Now I want pizza.

Dominos Chatbot example
  • Make it cross-platform accessible: cross-platformThe performance of a chatbot is better than a channel. For example, you can order via Slack's Domino's Pizza Bot, Messenger, Apple Watch, mobile apps, Twitter (developed by Pizza Emoji), Smart Home Assistants, etc.
  • Don't be afraid to be interesting:Companies are often afraid of being too simple or too fun. This will not weaken your brand. Performing key interactions with emoji goes far beyond just a wall in a chat window.
  • Start simple, then move to more complex situations:What is the biggest reason for users to interact with your website or Facebook Page? If you want to order pizza, design a robot around this core function. Once you have a perfect customer experience, you can create a chatbot with key auxiliary interaction functions.

Chatbot example 14: Bank of America

Meet Erica, Your new financial assistant from Bank of America. She can do anything, including providing bank balance information, making budget recommendations, paying bills, and helping with simple transactions. Bank chatbot example has exceeded7 million users, Has completed more than 50 million transactions so far.

Bank of America chatbot example
  • Become a client advisor: Erica went from planning payments to providing advice on how to pay off debts. Her abilities continue to evolve with the development of bank customer needs. Whether you are selling meal plans orOnline coaching service, Guidance can help you build a better relationship with your customers.
  • Provide users with useful content: One of the key elements of a successful chatbot is to solve customer problems. For example, if you ask Erica about your credit score, she will give you a video about "better money habits" and other things about spending and budgeting.
  • Easy to use transaction search functionIt is increasingly valuable for chatbots. Enable your users to search and discover company products and services.

Chatbot example 15: Canadian ovarian cancer

In our list of chatbots, the last one is Canadian ovarian cancer.

Charity fundraising is challenging and outdated. It usually involves huge email lists, untrusted data and face-to-face registration-not effective in today's market.Canadian Ovarian CancerCreated the first in collaboration with British social listening company Maybe*Non-profit chatbot. The robot helped secure $10 million in research funding, increased the donation rate by 250%, and created a repeatable and cost-effective donation channel for the organization's future.

Non-profit chatbot example-ovarian cancer panda
  • Take a quiz to learn more about the users in your robot.Maybe* and the Canadian Ovarian Cancer Organization conducted a test to understand each subscriber’s ovarian cancer awareness level, emotional state, etc. Then adjust messaging accordingly to increase conversion rates.
  • Use dynamic content to build a closer connection with the audience.The team used videos, GIFs and images to convey the story of a woman who survived cancer to increase the participation of the robot.
  • Accept payments inside the chatbot.The key to Canadian ovarian cancer donations is to get people to donate and sign petitions in the Facebook Messenger window.

How to create a chatbot

Are you ready to make an impact with your chatbot application? If so, you can learn quicklyHow to build a Messenger bot to get started.

1. Go toManyChatAnd click "Get Started for Free"

Where to register to create your first chatbot

2. Use your Facebook login and let ManyChat manage your Page messages

Log in with Facebook to create your first bot

3. Connect to the page you want to use the chatbot on

Connect page to create chatbot

4. You should now be in the dashboard. Click on the main menu

View of the ManyChat dashboard when creating a chatbot

Chatbot FAQ

What is the purpose of chatbots?

Chatbots are designed to interact with consumers through messaging apps or mobile apps. The Chatbot application uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to respond to user input and help them achieve desired results.

They act as virtual assistants for different departments of the company, including:

  • social media
  • Customer Support
  • Marketing
  • Customer Experience
  • Turnover

What is the best chatbot?

The best chatbot in the world isMitsuku, It is a record-breaking humanoid chat robot, and has won the Lebner Award Turing Test champion five times. She is a virtual friend who can provide services 24 hours a day and learn through experience. The more you talk to her, the smarter she becomes.

Mitsuku has been published in "New York Times", "Wall Street Journal", BBC, "Guardian", "Wired" and other magazines.

Is Siri a chatbot?

Siri, also known as Siri chatbot, is a predictive chatbot. She acts as a virtual assistant, using artificial intelligence to initiate interactions based on voice user input. Siri is context-aware and can learn human preferences to provide suggestions and anticipated needs for iPhone users.

Build the best chatbot for your business

As you continue to build chatbots for your business, remember to always maintain a customer-friendly mindset. What problems did they encounter when interacting with your business? How does your chatbot help them achieve their goals? Use the above tips and examples to create a conversational, data-driven personalized virtual assistant to help you grow your business.

Are you ready to build your chatbot today? Get a free ManyChat account to get started.


Source: https://manychat.com/blog/