
NikmitIt is the e-commerce market in Macedonia, providing consumers with online retail shopping services. Nikmit has an ever-increasing product line catalog, including clothing, personal care products, consumer electronics, kitchen supplies, and home decoration products.

The company relies on Facebook ads to achieve traffic goals and has added natural posts to arouse interest and showcase new products. But they did not get the return they hoped.

Nikmit and Roccad's account manager and client strategydivision Goran Nikolov collaborated toraise popularity of brandAnd to promote new sales of retailers' winter product series. By launching click-to-credit ads for different product lines, building subscriber lists and using sponsorship information for retargeting, the company has created an additional $24,200 in revenue for the market, with a return on ad spend (ROAS) of 20 times.


Case study results


Nikmit's Facebook advertising strategy focused on increasing natural posts and running Facebook traffic ads to increase product awareness, but did not get the results they hoped. The company must present in front of the right audience and engage in dialogue with them to help increase visibility and sales.

Their goal

Nikmit hopes to better display the product line and passChat marketingBuild relationships with new audiences.


  • Target Facebook JSON ads to build a subscriber list: Goran ran Facebook ads targeting men and women over 45. Since Goran has placed ads for multiple product lines, Goran targets them based on demographics and interests related to the products they deliver.
  • ManyChat keywords for automatic conversation:After potential customers click on the ad, they will get different quick response options. After choosing a response, shoppers will enter other nurturing activities based on their responses.
  • Use sponsor message to rePositioning: Goran used sponsor news to re-enter subscribers with clearance offers for all winter products. The shopper is sent to the login page to browse the entire collection, and then returns to Messenger to make a payment.
  • In-app Messenger payment:In Macedonia, people prefer to pay through Messenger and digital wallets instead of websites. Goran takes advantage of this preference by allowing people to complete purchases in a chat window.

Use JSON ads to build a subscriber list

Goran launchedLeadership training activities,To help e-commerce retailers carry out winter clearance sales in their stores. The campaign first shows the right products to the right audience through advertising targeting, and expands the subscriber list for further communication.

"When building a subscriber list for customers, we rarely provide quotes," Goran told us. "For Nikmit, we want to understand the products they are interested in, let them subscribe, and then cultivate the relationship with the sequence. In retargeting advertising andSponsorship informationAfter the relationship is established, we will provide a quote," he explained.

Goran tested multipleManyChat growth tool, But found the best effect isJSON ads. Ads are set to have a "send a message" goal and a "learn more" call to action.

Sample ads used for Facebook advertising campaigns

Once a potential customer clicks on the ad, they are sent to the Messenger conversation and added to the follow-up sequence that lasts for X days.

Goran explained: "The automated sequence is very unstimulating. We sent a combination of useful content related to the product and helped answer any questions they had about the product involved." Nikmit's sales team usedManyChat's live chatReal-time sales representatives with Nikmits to answer the questions of interested buyers in real time and help encourage sales.

Keywords have played an important role in helping companies automate most of the lead cultivation process. "We set up a quick response when someone enters a Messenger conversation from an ad," Goran told us, "This allows us to send them to a specific process based on the information they are looking for or need. This is for companies and shoppers. Both are more convenient, because shoppers can achieve their goals faster."

Use retargeting and sponsored messages to boost sales

Since e-commerce stores promote different types of products, Goran has setRetarget ads, TheadvertisingProducts will be shown to interested customers based on their behavior in the original JSON advertisement. If shoppers don’t buy products immediately, they will see similar products in Facebook news feeds.

As Nikmit's off-season approached, Goran sent sponsorship information to the company's Messenger address book and carried out clearance promotions.

Sponsored news for follow-up

When potential shoppers click on the CTA message, they are sent to the login page where they can view all customs clearance products. After selecting the product, they will be sent back to Messenger for purchase.

in conclusion

Goran and his team at Roccad successfully launched products and brought new sales to e-commerce retailers. By using ManyChat JSON ads to build a list of subscribers and using sponsor messages to retarget potential shoppers, the company achieved:

  • $ 24,200 additional income
  • 20 times return on ad spend
  • Each open sponsor information $ .09

Use ManyChat to build your subscriber list and increase sales. Sign up now.


Source: https://manychat.com/blog/