Suppose you are a camping supplies company and you are selling an awesome portable camping stool through ManyChat. In settingsManyChatCampaign, you used several different processes and process stepsphoto. Now you want to update the process with new pictures. Normally, you have to track each photo and update it one by one.

This can be a tedious task. Wouldn't it be great if there was an easier way? good news. we arestart upDynamic image block,To help you in ManyChat CampaignAnd quickly update and manage images in the process.

Now you can insert the image URL instead of uploading the image every time. This not only makes the build process faster (reducing downloads, uploads, and file management), but it also allows you to easily update photos in multiple locations with one click.

Dynamic images can help you:

  1. Replace the same image across multiple steps, or complete all processes at once
  2. Automatically associate product images withShopify storeOr website sync
  3. Send the most relevant photos using the customer's choice (e.g. favorite color)

Update images in multiple steps or processes at once

The easiest way to quickly update a single image in multiple spots is to combine dynamic images with Bot fields.

If you don't remember, the Bot field is a custom field, and they remain consistent throughout the process. When you insert the Bot Field into the message, it acts as a variable like [First Name], except for consistency between users.

Therefore, when you update the robots field, it will immediately make changes in all the messages you place it for each subscriber. You can update the Bot field from Settings→Custom Fields.

To change the image of the stool above, you only need to update the "value" of the following fields:


Why is it so powerful?

By changing the value of the Bot field, you can update the URL of the image at each location you place, thereby making changes immediately in ManyChat.

Keep the picture consistent with your website or Shopify store

If you use the same image URL in the Bot field as on the website, updating the image on the website will automatically make the changes in all your chat marketing efforts. Just make sure toNew imageUploadTo the same URL.

This is an example of using WordPress to update an image of the same URL.

If you have integrated your Shopify store with ManyChat, as long as you make changes to the Shopify catalog, it will automatically update the Shopify image URLs used for product catalogs or abandoned shopping cart recycling card galleries.

Customized images for every shopper

Suppose our great camping stool has many interesting colors to choose from. As part of the sales process, you can ask customers what their favorite color is.

Using the dynamic image option, we can ensure that the stool they see matches the color they choose.

Here, we will use "Custom User Field" to modify the image displayed on the website according to the customer's color selection.


Therefore, if a shopper chooses "blue" as their favorite color, we can save it to the "favorite color" of the "custom field" and use it to update the image URL to display blue stool. If other customers switch to "yellow", they will see yellow.

The typical alternative is to choose to build a specific message step for each customer, which may eventually lead to a large amount of traffic that is difficult to manage.

Using dynamic images can make your process simpler and more organized, especially if you have many choices.

We hope this update will save you time and make build and maintainChat marketing strategymuch easier.

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