ManyChat 計劃更新 – 多個帳戶用戶

ManyChat 將於 2021 年 9 月 1 日更新免費版和專業版計劃。 請仔細閱讀本文,因為您是受這些更改影響的多個帳戶的管理員。 有什麼變化? 自 2021 年 9 月 1 日起,我們將對免費計劃的功能和我們的 Pro 定價結構進行一些重要更新。 所有 ManyChat Free 計劃將有 (3) 個自定義關鍵字的新限制和每個帳戶 (1) 個用戶席位的限制:             對上述免費計劃的更改將於 2021 年 9 月 1 日對所有現有免費帳戶生效。...
ManyChat free plan update

ManyChat free plan update

At ManyChat, our mission has always been to help businesses grow by building meaningful relationships with customers. Adhering to this mission, ManyChat has evolved from a single-channel Messenger Marketing platform last year to a multi-channel Chat Marketing machine with SMS and Email functions. We are also very happy to bring you WhatsApp and Instagram in the near future. We have released some new features, including new growth tools (to help you attract more customers), ManyChat Analytics (to help you track and understand how it works), and multiple new integrations (to connect ManyChat to your daily use Tools) and so on. ...

How to start an e-commerce business: 7 steps to start your first product

You have a product idea worth one million dollars, and I believe you will successfully develop your business. Excellent! But it can also be overwhelming. There are hundreds of factors in starting a large and small business. Before creating the product itself, you need to lay the foundation. Then, once you get the product in your hands, you also need to figure out how to put it in the hands of potential customers. Fortunately, you don't have to do it alone. In this guide, we will share exactly how to launch a product-starting with the initial idea, providing the right way to generate profit, and answering all the questions that accompany how to start an e-commerce business. 1. What solution do you provide? Every great product is created in the painful struggle of the founders (or people they have met). ...
9 powerful Facebook advertising tips (actually effective)

9 powerful Facebook advertising tips (actually effective)

Chat marketing, Facebook marketing-9 minutes to read You may have seen statistics and talked about how Facebook advertising can outperform other advertising channels, attract new audiences and drive company revenue faster. However, as far as your campaign is concerned, the results are not satisfactory. So, should you give up Facebook ads? maybe not. You may only need to take a few steps to increase conversions from Facebook ads. Fortunately, there are some key techniques to increase the number of potential customers and conversions generated by ads. If you spend the time and budget to create a Facebook ad, but don’t get the expected return, consider the following nine Facebook advertising tips to increase the return on investment of your campaign. ...
[Marketing strategy] Black Friday (Black Friday) e-commerce customers must win strategy

[Marketing strategy] Black Friday (Black Friday) e-commerce customers must win strategy

Last year consumers spent US$717.5 billion on Black Friday and another US$6 billion on Cyber Monday, so e-commerce stores have already bolstered and pre-empted Miro before the holiday shopping season. Prepare more new product promotions. For many online sellers, this is an annual shopping season that increases revenue. Promotions and simplified checkout processes are critical to the successful sale of specials and the entire Black Friday marketing strategy. The more prepared you are, the more products you will sell online. So, how would you promote Black Friday trading? The following will introduce 7 ways to make users interested to attract more orders to increase sales this quarter. ...