Blog and Update


  2020年3月5日 您的營銷策略應允許您“更聰明而不是更努力地工作”,目標是賺取被動收入,同時為當前客戶或客戶騰出寶貴的時間。  通過您的博客賺錢聽起來不錯,不是嗎?獲得產品評論的報酬遠不如您想像的那樣。  有可能產生幾乎可以賺錢的收入,並且不會花費太多時間。  進入會員營銷。 什麼是會員營銷? 會員營銷是通過推廣另一家公司的產品或服務來賺取佣金的過程。 讓我們在這裡補充一點,這不是多層營銷。  相反,聯屬網絡營銷人員會獲得佣金,以推動其大量網站或社交媒體流量進入所合作品牌的產品頁面。...

How to create a powerful post-purchase tracking sequence

您已經完成了所有艱苦的工作。您運行了單擊鏈接– Messenger廣告,收集了訂閱者,讓他們選擇加入Messenger,電子郵件和SMS列表,最後他們在您的在線商店中購買了商品。  但是,當某人完成購買後會發生什麼?那麼,您應該如何與客戶互動?讓我們想想促銷和交易之外的東西。 許多零售商不為最近購買產品的人提供個性化的跟進服務。他們要么堅持使用通用電子郵件,要么什麼都不發送。但是實際上是在購買後的這段時間裡,人們最容易接受您的信息。 ...


“好消息飛速傳播”的說法是完全正確的,尤其是在口碑營銷(WOM)方面。實際上,口碑營銷可能是提高品牌聲譽和知名度的最有影響力的營銷形式之一。 考慮一下:您是否更有可能根據推銷員在電話中對您大喊大叫來做出購買決定,還是您耳中最好的朋友說您只需要嘗試某些事情就可以了,因為您絕對會喜歡它嗎? 自廣告初期以來,口碑營銷的力量一直有效,並且在數字時代達到了新的高度。現在,有無數種方法引發WOM嗡嗡聲。 1.推薦朋友折扣 您很難找到未採用推薦朋友口碑策略的品牌。該策略背後的想法是鼓勵忠實的客戶推薦朋友,並向客戶和推薦人提供某種折扣或激勵。...

Facebook marketing strategy: organic, paid and Messenger

This is not the first time you have heard this news, and it is not the last time. You must have an agency on Facebook to attract potential customers. According to Hubspot, Facebook is the number one social channel used by marketers with the highest return on investment. There are over 2.38 billion monthly active Facebook users on the platform, which also makes it the most popular social media platform used by consumers. When establishing contact with potential customers, social media has become the main hub for finding new products. In 2018, 78% of American consumers made purchases through discovery on Facebook. Of the 57% of consumers who say that social media affects their shopping, 44% say that Facebook is the most influential. ...

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8 reasons to adopt a video marketing strategy

As video becomes the main source of Internet traffic, by 2021, video traffic will account for 82% of all IP traffic, and the threat of outdated content types to businesses is no longer a guess. As consumer behavior shifts to trust in video content, companies are striving to protect their marketing strategies and obtain the best return on investment. More and more marketers are looking for a video suitable for their current strategy, and consumers are paying close attention. According to OptinMonster data, those who execute video marketing strategies generate 66% more qualified leads each year than those who do not focus on video. They also report that audience members’ brand awareness of their content has increased by 54%. ...

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How to establish a brand voice

As you set out to build a brand, take a second to think about the company and its unique brand choices. How are their brands intertwined on all platforms? Perhaps the company has chosen a unique color scheme that stands out from the competition. Maybe the company chose a memorable slogan or logo. Branding start-ups (creating the overall beauty of the corporate image) is an important part of making companies stand out. The purpose of the company is encapsulated through specific fonts, colors and logos, laying the foundation for the brand's voice to shine. Brand voice is how a company conveys its personality and brand value to its target audience. The beauty of a brand is important, but it depends to a large extent on the voice of the brand. ...

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How to build a gamified Mother's Day robot

Parenting may not be easy, but being a mother is very beneficial. At this time of year, we take a moment to celebrate this Mother's Day season. When you build different Mother's Day activities for the online store, we think it will be interesting to take you step by step to understand how to build a gamified Mother's Day robot: what kind of mother is a mother. This is a fun and unique way to interact with your customers while learning more about them. You can adopt these principles and apply them anywhere: build customer relationships, convert potential customers or use them to collect customer information. Build your robot A step-by-step guide to building a gamified Mother's Day robot...

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How to build customer loyalty

We all have reasons to choose not to be repeat customers. Maybe the cheeseburger came from the middle, or the customer service representative was rude. Maybe you paid for the replacement of windows, and the project took twice as long as the contract promised. It's easy to get bored as a customer. Becoming a customer helps us become a better business owner because we have insight into what may or may happen in the relationship between the business and the customer. Don't confuse customer satisfaction with customer loyalty. Although they drew Venn diagrams and had a lot of overlap, they were two separate goals. Measuring customer satisfaction will indicate whether your customer base is satisfied with your company as a whole. Customer loyalty is a measure of customer loyalty to the business. Therefore, when you integrate such as Messenger...

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ManyChat partners with Facebook's Messenger to help expand COVID-19 workload

On April 23, 2020, San Francisco, the world’s number one chat marketing platform ManyChat and Facebook’s Messenger teamed up to connect the public with government health organizations and United Nations health agencies to actively support the COVID-19 response. During the crisis, ManyChat provided free Pro upgrades and established specific templates to help these health organizations and global citizens share information effectively, timely and accurately. ...

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7 Best practices for more conversions on product pages (with examples)

well done! You have convinced potential customers to land on your e-commerce product page. This URL is also known as the e-commerce landing page and is designed to make your website visitors purchase a specific product. The only problem? Your conversion rate is declining. Potential customers land on your product page and exit as soon as possible after landing. Despite the huge traffic, no sales have been able to fulfill their wishes. This may happen because you are not following the best practices of these product pages. 1. Write SEO optimized metadata You can have the best designed product page in the world, but if no one sees it from the search results, then you will not get any sales. One of the simplest product page SEO best practices is to attract potential customers through search engines. ...

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How to run Facebook ads for customers

Facebook ads can help you increase your customers’ brand awareness, increase website traffic, attract potential customers, increase revenue, etc. Let’s start with the various areas of Facebook where you can target your customers’ audience through advertising. Facebook news feed: Your customer ads will be displayed in both mobile and desktop news feeds. Facebook video feeds: Your customers’ video ads will be displayed between organic videos in a pure video environment, such as Facebook Watch and Facebook News Feed. Facebook right column: For users browsing on desktop computers, your client’s ads will be displayed in the right column of Facebook. ...

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How to make a successful Facebook video ad

You don't need to be James Cameron or Martin Scorsese to attract the attention of the audience. Today, online store owners and marketers can create successful video ads to attract viewers and encourage them to take action. Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to connect with the audience. In fact, the viewer retains 95% of the message when watching the message in the video, and 10% when reading it in the text. With the help of video, you can have more creative freedom when conveying information. Stunning visual effects can help you tell fascinating stories like never before. Make your video appear in front of more relevant audiences, attract viewers to join Messenger...

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How to promote your business

According to data from Yahoo, more than 543,000 new businesses start business every day. For most small business owners (SMB), learning how to successfully conduct business has been difficult. You must hire employees, find funding, respond to government regulations, and plan for the future. And now, the pressure is increasing, learn how to promote your business in an increasingly competitive environment. Sound familiar? Whether you are at a loss or need some ideas to think outside the box, you can promote business development in one or all of the following 11 cost-effective ways. Contents: Create a Messenger bot, start the SMS campaign, create email lists, create videos, run Facebook Messenger ads, create blogs...

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