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  2020年3月5日 您的營銷策略應允許您“更聰明而不是更努力地工作”,目標是賺取被動收入,同時為當前客戶或客戶騰出寶貴的時間。  通過您的博客賺錢聽起來不錯,不是嗎?獲得產品評論的報酬遠不如您想像的那樣。  有可能產生幾乎可以賺錢的收入,並且不會花費太多時間。  進入會員營銷。 什麼是會員營銷? 會員營銷是通過推廣另一家公司的產品或服務來賺取佣金的過程。 讓我們在這裡補充一點,這不是多層營銷。  相反,聯屬網絡營銷人員會獲得佣金,以推動其大量網站或社交媒體流量進入所合作品牌的產品頁面。...

How to create a powerful post-purchase tracking sequence

您已經完成了所有艱苦的工作。您運行了單擊鏈接– Messenger廣告,收集了訂閱者,讓他們選擇加入Messenger,電子郵件和SMS列表,最後他們在您的在線商店中購買了商品。  但是,當某人完成購買後會發生什麼?那麼,您應該如何與客戶互動?讓我們想想促銷和交易之外的東西。 許多零售商不為最近購買產品的人提供個性化的跟進服務。他們要么堅持使用通用電子郵件,要么什麼都不發送。但是實際上是在購買後的這段時間裡,人們最容易接受您的信息。 ...


“好消息飛速傳播”的說法是完全正確的,尤其是在口碑營銷(WOM)方面。實際上,口碑營銷可能是提高品牌聲譽和知名度的最有影響力的營銷形式之一。 考慮一下:您是否更有可能根據推銷員在電話中對您大喊大叫來做出購買決定,還是您耳中最好的朋友說您只需要嘗試某些事情就可以了,因為您絕對會喜歡它嗎? 自廣告初期以來,口碑營銷的力量一直有效,並且在數字時代達到了新的高度。現在,有無數種方法引發WOM嗡嗡聲。 1.推薦朋友折扣 您很難找到未採用推薦朋友口碑策略的品牌。該策略背後的想法是鼓勵忠實的客戶推薦朋友,並向客戶和推薦人提供某種折扣或激勵。...

ManyChat collaborates with CDC to promote COVID-19 to the public

San Francisco, California, May 14, 2020-ManyChat, the number one instant messaging marketing platform, has partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to assist the public in educating the public about COVID-19. The partnership uses Facebook's Messenger to automatically share educational materials, including updates and preventive reminders, thus simplifying conversations related to the pandemic. The chat contains information related to the following: How to prevent symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do when experiencing these symptoms. A mask guide and how to make your own guide. How to disinfect your home and frequently touched surfaces. Carol Y. Crawford said: "...

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12 ways to promote the next Twitter marketing campaign

When studying the shopping behavior of Twitter users, the social media platform found that four out of ten Twitter users made a purchase after encountering a product on Twitter. When Twitter users are exposed to brand tweets, their likelihood of buying products also increases by 2.7 times. With more than 330 million users, you can understand why shop owners should use Twitter. However, using Twitter is not accidental. To build brand awareness, use one or all of the following 12 Twitter marketing ideas to connect with your audience and increase online sales. What is Twitter marketing strategy? ...

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How to start shipping

If you have ever thought about how to start an e-commerce business, then you can choose the direct delivery business. The barrier to entry is very low and you can make a lot of money. However, because the barriers to entry are very low, this means that competition may be fierce. What is Dropshipping? Essentially, you are an online store that does not need to keep any inventory. You sell products in retail and then buy products from wholesale suppliers, while direct shipping suppliers ship the products from their warehouse to the buyer’s door. You use the difference as profit. You don't have to deal with packaging, shipping or storage items, you just need to worry about your own online store, looking for potential customers and handling any support issues that arise. How to start a direct sales business...

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Assess top digital marketing types and their effectiveness

You want to interact with customers for many reasons. It is important that your target audience understand what your business stands for and what makes you different. Your business also wants to convey your appreciation for customers and remind them that their support is important. You also want to keep in touch with potential customers to make them loyal customers. Then, of course, you hope that your marketing ideas and efforts can enhance the life of the entire enterprise through brand recognition. ...

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E-commerce marketing 101: everything you need to know

To say the least, getting e-commerce startups to start is a complex task. The fine print details that make a business profitable require time and effort. When formulating marketing strategies for e-commerce businesses, things such as time and attention are more important than ever. Establishing a strategy that applies to your business and target customers is crucial. If your team is at a loss and not sure where to start attracting customers, they are not alone. So many new e-commerce companies will have the same elation and joy with the absolute overwhelmingness of starting their own business! Fortunately, this "Marketing 101" guide will tell you all about e-commerce marketing. What is e-commerce marketing? ...

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Digital customer experience tips and strategies

The term "customer experience" sounds important, right? Yes, but first we must define what kind of customer experience is needed? We cannot rely on its implicit "important" status. Customer experience is the impression your business makes on customers, which leads to how they perceive your brand. According to the definition we just learned, customer experience has far-reaching significance. It is not limited to customer service. Customer experience covers all the interactions that customers can have with your business. This can include how easy (or difficult) it is to navigate an e-commerce site, how and how often you communicate across platforms such as email or Messenger Marketing, or the return policy that your business has established. Why is customer experience important? ...

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How to establish strong customer relationships in e-commerce

Any company has the ability to build strong customer relationships. Of course, some companies may need to put in a lot of effort in the creative department, but it can be done! Whether your e-commerce business is to provide customers with data analysis or provide customers with handmade soap, your business has the ability to build customer relationships. What does each customer appreciate? A personalized experience needs to consider their time, needs and desires. Strong customer relationships are not limited to physical business. E-commerce companies can also create personalized and meaningful digital customer experiences. When shopping online, people are attracted by the simple and simplified process. Your business can still provide impressive details at every stage of the customer’s shopping experience. This is how your team can deepen customer relationships in an e-commerce business. ...

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5 evergreen marketing ideas you should try chat marketing

Evergreen Marketing refers to a marketing strategy that can maintain relevance for a long time. Just like evergreen trees, the evergreen content is always fresh and will not lose its luster. Despite the emergence of new fashion trends or dramatic changes in marketing methods, it still has perfect meaning. Recall the most popular toys or snacks when you were a kid. Now, see if you remember the ads for them. Is it the company that keeps them still there? Can you hear the commercial ringtone in your head? Many toys and fashionable snacks will not last, but the company will. Just because the popularity of a product comes and goes does not mean that the company is in decline. I mean, McDonald's did serve pizza at some point, and then I looked at McDonald's everywhere, and obviously they survived the pizza accident. ...

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7 e-commerce trends to follow in 2020

Retail sales are expected to grow to 6.54 trillion US dollars in 2022. But customer preferences are changing. Just as the strategy we used five years ago is outdated, the way people buy online will no longer be the same in a few years. We can observe marketing trends in e-commerce to understand how to get there. We’ve investigated the data, surveyed experts, and analyzed customer behavior to understand how e-commerce is changing-and to help your e-commerce brand keep up. Here are the seven biggest e-commerce trends we expect to see this year: 1. Direct-to-consumer retail is on the rise. It’s no surprise that companies are trying to compete with Amazon. However, the retail industry that directly joins consumers has not joined their website to take advantage of their influence. ...

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SMS tools now have multimedia messaging

Effective marketing is not limited to static one-way advertising. This is the beginning of a vibrant interactive dialogue with your customers. Since SMS is instant and interactive, it is an ideal channel to help you accomplish this. With pictures, emoticons, and gifs now everywhere in text messages, companies are following this trend. As multimedia messaging has increased engagement by 55%, companies have become more visible in conversations with customers. That's why we enable you to send MMS when using ManyChat SMS. With the new MMS feature, you can now share product photos, coupons, or just bring laughter to customers through funny gifs. Read on to learn how to use multimedia messaging to promote your products in creative and memorable ways. Easy shopping through pictures...

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