Blog and Update


  2020年3月5日 您的營銷策略應允許您“更聰明而不是更努力地工作”,目標是賺取被動收入,同時為當前客戶或客戶騰出寶貴的時間。  通過您的博客賺錢聽起來不錯,不是嗎?獲得產品評論的報酬遠不如您想像的那樣。  有可能產生幾乎可以賺錢的收入,並且不會花費太多時間。  進入會員營銷。 什麼是會員營銷? 會員營銷是通過推廣另一家公司的產品或服務來賺取佣金的過程。 讓我們在這裡補充一點,這不是多層營銷。  相反,聯屬網絡營銷人員會獲得佣金,以推動其大量網站或社交媒體流量進入所合作品牌的產品頁面。...

How to create a powerful post-purchase tracking sequence

您已經完成了所有艱苦的工作。您運行了單擊鏈接– Messenger廣告,收集了訂閱者,讓他們選擇加入Messenger,電子郵件和SMS列表,最後他們在您的在線商店中購買了商品。  但是,當某人完成購買後會發生什麼?那麼,您應該如何與客戶互動?讓我們想想促銷和交易之外的東西。 許多零售商不為最近購買產品的人提供個性化的跟進服務。他們要么堅持使用通用電子郵件,要么什麼都不發送。但是實際上是在購買後的這段時間裡,人們最容易接受您的信息。 ...


“好消息飛速傳播”的說法是完全正確的,尤其是在口碑營銷(WOM)方面。實際上,口碑營銷可能是提高品牌聲譽和知名度的最有影響力的營銷形式之一。 考慮一下:您是否更有可能根據推銷員在電話中對您大喊大叫來做出購買決定,還是您耳中最好的朋友說您只需要嘗試某些事情就可以了,因為您絕對會喜歡它嗎? 自廣告初期以來,口碑營銷的力量一直有效,並且在數字時代達到了新的高度。現在,有無數種方法引發WOM嗡嗡聲。 1.推薦朋友折扣 您很難找到未採用推薦朋友口碑策略的品牌。該策略背後的想法是鼓勵忠實的客戶推薦朋友,並向客戶和推薦人提供某種折扣或激勵。...

如何通過ManyChat Bot獲得更多評論[+免費模板]

如果您沒有看到統計信息,則客戶評論是影響購買決策的最有影響力的內容。 Spiegel Research Center的數據顯示,將近95%的購物者在購買商品之前會先閱讀在線評論。根據同一項研究,顯示評論還可以使轉化率提高270%,並且可以使Econsultancy分享18%的銷售額增長。 但是,如果您沒有看到同樣出色的結果呢?利用這種收益機會的一種方法是,不斷獲得對您產品的新評論。 獲得更多評論的有效方法是使用ManyChat機器人。使用以下演練和免費模板可幫助吸引新客戶,獲得更多產品評論,增強社交證明並為商店增加收入。...

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ManyChat 計劃更新 – 多個帳戶用戶

ManyChat 將於 2021 年 9 月 1 日更新免費版和專業版計劃。 請仔細閱讀本文,因為您是受這些更改影響的多個帳戶的管理員。 有什麼變化? 自 2021 年 9 月 1 日起,我們將對免費計劃的功能和我們的 Pro 定價結構進行一些重要更新。 所有 ManyChat Free 計劃將有 (3) 個自定義關鍵字的新限制和每個帳戶 (1) 個用戶席位的限制:             對上述免費計劃的更改將於 2021 年 9 月 1 日對所有現有免費帳戶生效。...

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Use these 10 Facebook business page tips to get more leads and sales

Your Facebook business page is the holy grail of your Facebook marketing strategy. Think of it as your business’s digital storefront, but more than 2 billion people can walk into your home at any time. Although "so-so" pages are feasible, consider that two-thirds of all Facebook users in the world say they visit small business pages at least once a week. If your Facebook page does not meet the standard, you may lose new revenue from your business. From the cover photo and design to the content on the page, if you don’t have a strong Facebook page, you won’t attract more viewers. So whether you are new to social media or want to improve your existing fan page, please try the following 10 "...

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6 easy ways to boost Facebook's potential customer growth

Anyone can post on Facebook. But to generate potential customers and do well, that is another matter. There seem to be many ways you can spend time on Facebook to expand your audience. Some are time-consuming, very expensive, or require technical understanding. For marketers, solving all problems at once is not the best way to drive growth on social media. Not only will you spend too much time shooting in the dark, but you will also have undesirable results. A better way is to start with some simple wins, which will increase your Facebook potential customers. Refine them, see what they do, and then improve the strategy for driving prospects and sales. ...

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The best customer relationship management tool for e-commerce

This article will list the best customer relationship management tools for e-commerce brands and how to achieve this digital customer experience so you can understand which is best for you and your business. A CRM system is a technology for managing customer relationships and the data associated with them (including customer satisfaction and behavior, purchases, activities, etc.). Customer relationship management goes beyond e-mail addresses, and its behavior is more like from the beginning of the customer relationship to the current customer relationship stage and how to maintain customer records. When it comes to e-commerce brands, there are specific CRM tools, each of which provides different functions. We will study the advantages and disadvantages of these tools and useful information to determine which tool is best for you to provide maximum productivity and customer solutions. ...

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Use dynamic images to quickly update photos in the stream

Suppose you are a camping supplies company and you are selling an awesome portable camping stool through ManyChat. When setting up a ManyChat campaign, you used photos from several different processes and process steps. Now you want to update the process with new pictures. Normally, you have to track each photo and update it one by one. This can be a tedious task. Wouldn't it be great if there was an easier way? good news. We are launching dynamic image blocks to help you quickly update and manage images in ManyChat campaigns and processes. ...

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Examples of Memorial Day email and chat marketing

The holidays brought sales, but also large-scale marketing activities. Memorial Day is a good example of how to inject email and chat marketing into the e-commerce world at the same time. It’s no wonder that those Memorial Day e-mails generate sales when advertising customers from all aspects over the long weekend. Is it possible to create unique and effective email marketing campaigns in a highly competitive market? Staying one step ahead of the competition does not have to be exhausting. Willing to delve into your competitors and develop a consistent strategy, your e-commerce business can stand out in a highly saturated market-yes, even for holiday events. ...

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During the COVID-19 period, how DreamWorks transformed into online retail

Overview When the coronavirus hit Costa Rica, the country entered a mandatory lockdown authorized by the federal government. For The Dream Workshop, this means closing its physical retail stores that opened in June 2019. Under the leadership of Trilce Jiron and The Bot Shop (TBS) marketing team, Dream Workshop was transformed into an online store to build relationships with new customers and maintain cash flow. Dream...

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ManyChat hires Dorian Quispe as chief marketing officer

San Francisco, California – May 1, 2020 – ManyChat, the number one chat marketing platform, announced today that it has hired Dorian Quispe as the company’s chief marketing officer. During this position, Quispe will be responsible for leading the company's strategic growth plan while continuing to expand the e-commerce marketing space. ...

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ManyChat free plan update

At ManyChat, our mission has always been to help businesses grow by building meaningful relationships with customers. Adhering to this mission, ManyChat has evolved from a single-channel Messenger Marketing platform last year to a multi-channel Chat Marketing machine with SMS and Email functions. We are also very happy to bring you WhatsApp and Instagram in the near future. We have released some new features, including new growth tools (to help you attract more customers), ManyChat Analytics (to help you track and understand how it works), and multiple new integrations (to connect ManyChat to your daily use Tools) and so on. ...

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