Facebook adsIt can help you improve your customers' brand awareness, increase website traffic, attract potential customers, increase revenue, etc. Let us start fromFacebookBeginning with areas of, you can target your customers’ audiences through advertising in these areas.
FacebookNews Subscriptionsource:Your customer ads will appear in both mobile and desktop news feeds.
Facebook video feed:Your customers’ video ads will be displayed between organic videos in a pure video environment, such as Facebook Watch and Facebook News Feed.
FacebookRight column: For users browsing on desktop computers, your client’s ads will appear in the right column of Facebook.
Instagram feed:Your customers’ ads will appear in the mobile feed, which is great because you can get more attention from both social media platforms.
Messenger inbox:Your client’s ads will be displayed on the homepage tab of Messenger
Message sponsored by Messenger:Your client’s ad will be displayed as a message to people who have conversations with Messenger.
Facebook story:Your client ads will appear in "People's Stories" on Facebook.
No matter which type of advertising you think on Facebook is the best solution for your customers, there are some basic items on the list that need to be determined. inFacebook Business Support CenterIs a good resource to bookmark. Here is what they shared:
Advertising creativity:Determine what you want people to see in the ad. This can include text, images, videos or slideshows. You can also add call-to-action buttons to encourage people to do specific things, such as sending a message or buying immediately.
swipe: Choose who should see your ad. You can create your own audience based on age, gender, hobbies, etc. We may also offer some suggestions, such as attracting users who like your page or automated audience options tailored to your business. Facebook creates and improves automated audiences by combining details, such as people near your business location or people related to your page.
budget:The amount you pay is up to you. You can choose a pre-populated budget or set a custom amount. Some ads may require a minimum budget to generate results, but we will let you know.
duration:You can set the time for the ad to run. You can choose a specific duration (for example, 7 days) or set a custom end date.
Placement:Placement indicates where the ad is displayed. Depending on the type of ads you create, you may see placements such as desktop news feeds, Instagram feeds, or Messenger inboxes. We recommend that your ads appear in all placements, but you can also deselect some of them.
In this section, we will take a closer look at the Messenger Marketing of your client’s advertising, especially since the statistics are amazing.
Nowadays, messaging apps are very popular because they are a great channel for digital marketing professionals who want to attract new customers and grow their business.Messenger MarketingIt can effectively attract audiences who don't like to check emails and like social media to communicate with companies. Facebook Messenger is the ideal platform for developing successful marketing strategies for your customers.
why? Every month1.2 billion peopleUse Facebook Messenger. Wow. This means that your customer’s target market is there.
Facebook Messenger adsOpen rate reached 88%, ClickrateIt reaches 56%, so it has become easier to attract qualified potential customers and generate revenue for your customers’ brand. These figures are impressive.
In today's world, people quickly expect and expect things. They want to visit places and people to buy. They want to engage in a conversation and allow themselves to interact with people they couldn’t visit in the past. They want to feel like a conversation tailored to them. With Facebook Messenger, all these wishes have been realized.
Types of Facebook Messenger ads: #
1) Messenger ads will be displayed on the main screen of the target inbox, and the final destination can be Messenger or a landing page.
2)In click-to-belief ads, the goal remains in Messenger. The advantage of click messenger ads is that the destination is not a landing page or an opt-in form; it is a messenger once they click to respond, they automatically become subscribers, which is very convenient.
The good thing is that you can place click-to-trust ads in your target customers’ Facebook feeds. The ad will contain a call-to-action button, which will open a Messenger conversation when the target user clicks on the client’s ad in their feed.
3) PassSponsored messages, you can send direct messages to anyone you have talked with Messenger in the past. This is very useful for sending special offers or showing people new products, and is the most effective of the three.
Due to the large number of people using Facebook Messenger, the number of conversations with current and potential customers may get out of control. Please play drums...
enterChatbot. What is a chatbot? It is a software application designed to simulate human conversations on the Internet through Messenger applications such as Facebook Messenger.
The Facebook Messenger bot provides instant response and sounds like it was written by a living breathing man. Undoubtedly, this makes the person talking to the other person feel special. The robot can be programmed to answer questions, schedule appointments, and even send special promotions directly to customers’ inboxes. Messenger ads are great on their own, but automatic responses can undoubtedly maximize their potential.
Chatbots are like virtual assistants that can create a better customer experience at every consumer touch point. Everyone should have a chatbot.
Chatbots has opened up a lot of things that can provide goals and complete the work for your customers.
- Improve customer service
- Build brand awareness
- Encourage people to visit your product page
- Send broadcasts to subscribers to increase the lifetime value of customers
- Including augmented reality (in the example below, Victoria Beckham has created a robot where people can almost try her sunglasses collection. Smart. Very smart.)
This is a great resource for setting up great robots for your customers. However, the first step is to transfer the customer’sFacebook pageconnectionTo ManyChat,It's very simple.

Then you need to connect to ManyChat providedFacebook Ads Integration. This will be your one-stop shop for creating, targeting and publishing customer advertisements and easily attract your traffic to the process you like. They make everything simple, and all of us like it easy.
- Better positioning
- Lower cost per conversion
- An interface from advertising production to qualification certification to handover
In one control panel, you can take advantage of insights from integrated advertising reports and gain insights into your clients’ campaign performance.
Select " Custom audience ".
Then, name your new custom audience. If you have not subscribed to the robot, you must first subscribe. Again, this is theResources.
Then, name the new audience and filter your subscribers to choose the audience you want to include in the audience. Finally, click "Create Audience" to upload your audience to Facebook Business Manager.
Likewise, creating a similar audience is very easy. In the third step of creating a campaign, select "Like Audiences."
On the next screen, you will specify a custom audience, and Facebook will use that custom audience as a reference model to find similar new potential customers. You also need to specify a list of countries/regions where similar people can be found, and the percentage of most similar people to search. Then, click "Create" to submit your lookalike audience. simple!
It is also very easy to create dynamic custom audiences with ManyChat. In order to add subscribers to one of your custom audiences, you need to take advantage of the new Facebook "custom audience" action in ManyChat (you can also add them via rules). First, create a new action, then select Facebook Custom Audience from the list of options.
Next, you will be prompted to select the advertising account associated with the custom audience you want to consider, and then select the specific custom audience to which you want to dynamically add subscribers.
At this point, you may be prompted to subscribe to your bot (if you have not already subscribed). You will need to do this to continue. After completing the operations here, click Save. You are fine!
Now you have a one-stop Facebook ad store, from ad creation to customer conversion.
In one dashboard, you can leverage insights from integrated advertising reports and gain insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns. Now you can not only click on ads in Ads Manager, but you can also track the actual opt-in.
ManyChat’s built-in ad creation wizard makes ad campaigns easy to set up and manage directly within the platform. At the same time, since subscribers will automatically enter into conversations with your customers’ bots, the actual subscriber experience is more seamless than ever.
Your customers will acquire new customers and have the opportunity to build a personal relationship between their brand and consumers. What does it mean? Bring a higher return on investment for your customers, which also means success for you.